I'm a week away from my wedding, my husband to be is here, I'm trying to not show him that I'm scared but I'm failing a lot. With Terence 's return I really have been struggling to get some sleep, im thinking it's my guilty concious of him losing his whole 5 years of life because he wanted me safe so I feel like I owe him a lot which I do but Terell don't know nothing about it so how am I suppose to confide in me or vent to him? I don't know but Lay ain't helping since she's dealing with her anxiety of meeting up Brendan not that I blame her but she needs to get Malaysia to see her father so she really needs to put their differences aside and go see my damn cousin cause his stressing me out about wanting to come out early he can't keep being away from Laysia for so long but I told him it's not my place to force Lay to visit him so I've been avoiding his calls ...now I just dropped Mica at school, on my way to have breakfast with Terence ...it's not a date but I'm helping him try to get a Job that's all.

From Lay: can you come get me, I'm ready to let Brendan See Malaysia

I had to blink a lot of times to make sure I read the text right but heck no I decided to call her I gotta be sure

**phone convo**

Me: Lay are you sure? I mean if it's me tat pressured you to wanna do this please reconsider

Lay: I'm sure, I had a talk with my mom and De'kay they want the best for me and my baby and that is Brendan - his getting the help that he needs so why not give him a chance

Me: well uhm okay I can come get you now I guess but now I have to cancel or Terence again his gon be pissed

Lay : knowing him yes his going to be pissed then pull up at your house again but this time his going to get in regardless if Terell is there or not so I think it's best you don't cancel in him we can go in the afternoon

Me: okay thanks, I'll give you a call once I'm through with him I really don't want him showing up at my house this time - get ready by 1 pm

Lay: okay luv you

Me: luv u 2 bye

*end of convo*

I sighed I really was hoping to cancel on this breakfast thing but last 4 times I cancelled Terence showed up at my house thank goodness Terell was not around but this time his around I don't want him questioning me about my ex at this point I'm not ready for it at all...I texted Terence to meet me at popeye's place I'm craving pancakes so bad...After a good 15 minutes I went inside popeye and saw him sitting with food infront of him well damn he could have waited for me ,i greeted him then ordered my food " I'm still surprised you showed up" he said leaning over the table staring at me,making shrug" this is the only available time I have " I said not bothering to look at him" aight well so what do you have for me? " I bit my lip" I haven't found anything yet, no one wants to hire a Jailbird " I said " well damn I see,but you can stop acting like you tryna help, I got my old job back working for Kay's friend, she hooked me up again so I guess I'll be off your back now - have a lovely life Mo " he said really standing up, then kissed my cheek and leaving me dump folded I just lost my energy but believe me I ran to him to stop him from leaving ,not like this" T wait please ,look I'm sorry for being like this but I can't hel-"." I don't wanna hear it man I'm through begging you for anything - yes I want your ass back but I respect you enough to let you be happy with someone else, you giving me this attitude is uncalled for coz I ain't did nothing that you said I mustn't do -" I sighed getting frustrated" I know that T ,i really do, the last thing I wanna do right now is to act like I'm not appreciative of you or trying to help you out because I am but you giving too much while I got enough pressure at home as it is,you never once asked how all of this is for .because believe me it's hard" I croaked out why am I even crying on this parking lot this is so embarrassing " how am I suppose I ask how you handling things if you keep avoiding my ass ? * suckinh his teeth * like I said do you,im gone man " with that being said he left, leaving me to cry my eyes out on my own, what the hell just happened? 


Y'all must have missed me too much well here I am, I just didn't have anything to say but now I really have a lot to say, with Melanie back everything is going left not just on me but De'kay is hiding things from me and I'm not loving that not eve...

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Y'all must have missed me too much well here I am, I just didn't have anything to say but now I really have a lot to say, with Melanie back everything is going left not just on me but De'kay is hiding things from me and I'm not loving that not even for one bit, as if that wasn't enough DJ is acting up these days, coming home with bruises he thinks I'm not noticing but I see it. Enough of that I will deal with it accordingly for now they all at school while I'm at work, De'kay hasn't been showing up at work at all, I know she's the owner and everything but damn girl atleast come check your clients because I'm on of the clients i need her, Chris needs her as shocking as that is Chris iis going through a lot dealing with Sabrina,the twins and his job, I know all of this because he called me up one day venting to me about how much regret he has,he should have chose De'kay because Sabs ain't treating him well I told him my mind and told him to be a man about it, it's too late for regrets anywho...it's about to be my lunch break now so I'm meeting up with De'kay and her sisters and Mika from Kay's words she's really not herself, after lunch I have a meeting with Melanie to discuss a way forward with David,im only doing it for him, but the bitch wants my husband to be around she really got me fucked me but me being the carrying me I said okay with a fake ass smile I pray that I keep my cool around her this time...

**/lunch time/***

It's not too early for some wine right cause judging by kay's face it's about to be real " before everyone gets here I wanna tell you what's up and please don't overreact please please please " I raised my brow okay now some is up, I took a sip of my red dry wine coz I need it"im not promising anything you know that so what's up?" I asked she got closer to be I guess to be secretive well damn okay " do you still remember that story when adam's father was arrested? " I nodded who would forget such" well uhm 3 weeks ago he showed up at my house , Quintin went somewhere that time and I was left alone, Chris had called me telling me he was in Jail, and also that Jonathan was arrested so he wanted me to come to the station, fine since I'm the concerned mother well step I took it upon my self to get up from bed and go to the station but I didn't make it half to the stairs which is when I realised I wasn't alone in the house, he was there too -as much as I tried calling for help,crying and falling and fighting him he was just too strong for me he finally got what he wanted to do to me , he forced himself on me,left me to die girl I was hospitalised for three days " she cried I stood there taking everything in " Adam's father raped you? - left you to die? And you were in hospital for 3 days? That's why you moved your family back to quintin's house? - why didn't you tell me this Kay? I'm so sorry" I pulled her into a hug

" I needed to deal with this on my own but I realised I can't, I really cant ... not only that but the girl with helped me out by calling the cops and everything isn't just a random kinda girl, she's Q's wife they got three kids together too" now she lost me" Q's what now!? " I didn't mean to shout but hell I had to" apparently before he moved down here he was married for the second time to Amara,thats the girl's name, i guess he came down here after getting the break from work to get some peace, from what the girl tells me she knew he was messing around on her but she thought it was just with Kesha, all the time me and Q been together he was also going to her ,thats not even the bad part,her first child is the same age as Gina, second one is Quincy 's age huh as if that's not enough they got a 2 years old that means this whole time Q has been two -timing us , Tina I'm through with this shit you know, this time I don't wanna give him the benefit of the doubt because all he does is disrespect me, his been lying to me all this time - I'm a real fool " she cried harder getting attention from people in the area, I gave them small smiles before turning my attention back to Kay " let's get out f here, I told your sisters we'll meet at Jay's house" I said helping her to my car after telling Devon to come get her car ,Quintin though,he keeps fucking up.


keep on reading 

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