"No, maybe you should listen, Avi!" She yelled, slamming the door and making Avi flinch. "I get it, I should've told you the second I found out I was pregnant. But I was scared! And I did plan on telling you, I swear, you just found out badly. I only found out I was pregnant the day before the night at the club, it wasn't like I kept it a secret for months." With every sentence she spat at him she took a step forward, which really scared the shit out of Avi. Was she going to strangle him or something?

They were practically chest to chest now, and Avi could see her eyes glistening with tears. "I know things between us have been really awkward and weird and confusing and just complicated as fuck, but I would never ever keep a child away from their father." It was hard for him to ignore the fact that she was now openly crying in front of him. He wanted to comfort her; to hug her and stroke her hair and tell her that everything would turn out fine. But he couldn't. He simply didn't have the right to after everything.

"And I know I act like everyone's hurtful words just bounce off me and I couldn't give a fuck, but I do. Your words hurt me more than I would like to admit and I just feel so alone in this and..." Kirstie couldn't even finish her sentence because a sob overcame her and that's when Avi let all feelings of awkwardness and tension go. 

He wasn't sure if she was really crying because she was hurt, or if her hormones were just going berserk, or if maybe it was a mix of both. But he knew that was she really needed was a big hug. Something that said, "Hey, I'm here for you and I support you," without him really having to say it.

It felt like they were hugging for forever, but neither of them minded, they both needed it. It hurt Avi to see her like this and he wanted nothing more than her pain to go away, especially when he was the cause of it. Her fists balled up the material of his T-shirt, her shoulders jumped up and down with every increasing wail she let out. All Avi could do was hold her as tightly as he could against his chest, kiss her hair and rock her gently until she stopped weeping.

Kirstie was the first to pull away slowly as she felt rather weird crying on someone who she was supposed to be mad at. "Uhh, I'm sorry. I made your shirt all wet," she tried to smile as she sniffled and wiped her runny nose with her hand. 

"Don't even worry about it," he reassured her, his smile turning soft as he gazed at her. 

"Umm, well I've said my part," she said while rubbing her face clear of any fresh tears. "I guess it's only fair that you speak."

Avi didn't know what to say anymore. He had his whole speech planned out in his head when he arrived at Kirstie's room, but with everything that happened the past few minutes, he completely hit a blank spot.

Well, I guess it's time to be really cheesy and speak from the heart...

"Kirstie, I wish I could take back everything I said that night, I really do. But I can't, as much as I would like to. I know sorry doesn't cut it and it won't make everything better, but I am sorry. I-I... I have no clue what came over me to say those awful, awful things, but I deeply regret it. I adore children and I would never want you to get rid of our beautiful child."

"I know the circumstances are weird and they're not exactly ideal, and shared custody will be a bit of a challenge for us, but we'll make it work. That is, if you'll still allow me to be a part of our child's life..."

Kirstie bit her lip while in thought. The obvious option would be to say yes - she was terrified of raising a little kid on her own at such a young age, and she knew it would kill Avi to not be in his child's life. But what if, sometime during her pregnancy, Avi realised that he wasn't ready to be a father and just ditched her completely?  

No, he's not that heartless, Kirstie. You, of all people, should know this.

Avi's anxiety increased with each passing second. He was completely sure that she would say no and that she wouldn't forgive him. He could barely forgive himself. 

Kirstie gave a nod so small that if Avi wasn't paying so much attention, he would've missed it entirely. When he was just about to ask her if that meant what he thought it meant, she said, "Yes, you can be a part of our baby's life."

Avi blinked. There was no way he heard that correctly... he must've been dreaming. But he wasn't, because Kirstie was standing right in front of him with a shy smile formed on her face and looking very content. 

And then he was picking her up in a tight hug and spinning her so she was giggling like crazy. "Avi!" She squealed. 

"Thank you," he whispered once he put her back on the ground, his hands gripping both of her arms. "I will make you and our baby proud, I promise," his grin reached both ears and it was so contagious that Kirstie couldn't help but share his happiness. His eyes darted from her eyes to her soft, pink lips that looked so kissable at that moment. He stopped himself though, they had enough to deal with at the moment, a relationship would just be another complication. 

"I don't doubt that for a second."

fluffy fluff fluff

also like i said last time my keyboard is a bitch im sorry

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