Chapter 9. The Plan

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Jeremy POV
(I feel like I'm Jeremy now...)

As I drove home with Laura riding shotgun, I couldn't help glancing back at the backseat, where I had put Toy Bonnie's various parts. 'Come to think of it, Toy Freddy and Toy Chica haven't tried to get into my office lately.' This puzzled me. Then, a spark of realization hit me. 'They've-

"Why am I alive?" Asked Laura, interrupting my train of thought. There was a short interlude as I thought for an answer. "I'm not sure. Maybe it's because I worked on you so hard that a part of my soul is inside you." I said uncertainly. We traveled the rest of the journey in silence, both lost in our thoughts. The silence was only occasionally broken when we hit a speed bump, and Toy Bonnie's parts rattled from the backseat.

A few hours of silence later, we arrived at my apartment. Laura took my toolbox, as I hauled Toy Bonnie's parts in a cardboard box. As we climbed the stairs up to the 3rd floor, there was a loud clanging and banging noise from behind. I whirled around to see that Laura had dropped a few of my tools. "Sorry!" She yelped as I put down the cardboard box. "Put the toolbox down and take the other box up, Laura." I said. She quickly nodded and placed the tool box down. I quickly picked up all of my tools and ran up the stairs. Laura was nowhere to be seen. I looked around the circular apartment complex to see her at the opposite side.

 I looked around the circular apartment complex to see her at the opposite side

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(BTW, that building above is a real building in South Korea. You can imagine Laura at the opposite side)

"Laura, over here!" I called. She looked toward me and yelled back "Sorry Jeremy! I just lost my train of thought." I waited as she ran back towards me. I opened the door and we both stepped into my house.

"So this is what your house looks like!" She exclaimed as she entered the doorway. I simply smiled at her and dragged the box inside. Once we had both washed our hands (Laura protested that because she was an animatronic, she didn't need to wash her hands), we started working on fixing Toy Bonnie.

It was grueling, back-breaking work. The company really had spent a small fortune on them. I could tell that just by looking at Toy Bonnie. The parts that made him up were top-notch, as well as them being brand new.

"Laura, could you please hand me that electric drill?" I called. She didn't respond. "Laura?" I called again. She lifted her head, the electric drill in one hand and Toy Bonnie's arm joint in her other hand. "Was I created like this?" She suddenly asked me. I was speechless. "Why do I look like this other animatronic here?" She then asked. I shrugged. I personally wasn't sure how that had happened. I wasn't thinking hard when I was making Laura, so my train of thought must have stalled at the 'Toy Bonnie' station.

Le time skip to 6 PM
The time when they started fixing TB is about 2 PM.

"Laura! Wake up!" I yelled for the tenth time. "Five more minutes, Jeremy. Please?" She gave me the cute face. "Toy Bonnie is awake! I've finished fixing him!" I exclaimed. She shot out of the bed she was napping in an instant. "OMG OMG OMG Really?!" She was almost literally, bouncing off the walls. As Toy Bonnie finished booting up, he groaned and tried to stand up. I put out a hand, which he took. "Try to stand up." He got up shakily on his feet. "Sit here." I told him, pointing the sofa. I gave him a can of oil, seeing that Mangle had liked it very much.

Toy Bonnie POV (It's been so long....)

I turned into my human form and sat down on the couch. "Take this. I heard that animatronics like to drink oil." I heard Jeremy say, just before handing me a can. I drank half of it in an instant, and burped. Jeremy stared. "My bad." I apologized. I wonder why I'm here. What happen-

Memories came flooding back to me as I clutched my head in pain. "Toy Bonnie! Are you all right?" I heard a voice call. I tried to reply back, but my brain felt like it was melting. I slowly lost consciousness as the pain grew stronger and stronger.

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