Who Else?

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Since when is it fair

To push every one around without a care?

So what if we're different

That just makes us unique

What's wrong with being ourselves

And avoiding the absolute rules of society?

We are attacked for being different

Being the outcasts that no one else needed or even wanted

So what?!

You see that boy over there sitting in his own private corner?

You say he's just a loner who should be careful of who he even looks at

But no!

He is a wonderful person who is just waiting for his chance to shine

But that will probably never happen...

He has anxiety that borders on paranoia

Every single time you get near him you cause him to suffer even more

He only has so many breathes left until he cracks

And then you'll get your end result

But you won't like it....

You'll be filled with regret so intense you'll be blinded by its insanity

Will a good laugh really be worth it?

What about that girl over there?

You know that quiet one

Who always reads a book every chance she gets

What about her?

Have you ever thought that maybe there's a reason she wears long sleeves?






These are the only things she hears from you each day

These words are small and insignificant

But they are still pushing her past her breaking point and past the brink of insanity

You may laugh now but soon you won't be

Because what you didn't know

Is how she was debating whether or not to blow her brains out with the gun she had hidden away in her dresser drawer

To be or not to be,

Which one shall be me

She sings to herself softly

That's when she finally decides....

She ever so slowly picks up the gun and pulls the trigger

Yet another death is then caused by you

How does it feel to kill people you don't even know?

You may not have any regrets now

But you will soon!

You know your best friend?

The one from the foreign country?

Yeah him!

Because of all those racist jokes you say Every day

He has to now live in shame

He jokes right along with you with fear-filled eyes

But of course you'd never know

About the shameful way he can't look into his dying grandmother's eyes

Because she doesn't speak English and just a mere 2 hours earlier

You both were saying how much you hated people who can't speak the superior language that you speak!

I hope you feel good about yourself!

I really do

Because who else but you can cause so much shame and tears in the lives of so many?!?!

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