Am I Insane?

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Am I going crazy

The worst dream I've had yet

He was bleeding

And so was she

Head nearly decapitated

With nothing left

Blood everywhere

Voices gone

They can no longer hurt me

Gone for good

Or so I thought

It was merely a dream

Not real at all

Normally called a bloody nightmare

But not for me

That was a pleasant dream

The real nightmare is reality

Always defying my logic

And I'm the crazy one

No one understands

The death that goes on inside my head

Blood everywhere

Like fuzzy puppies

Only better

I'm fine I say

But no one believes me

They say I'm crazy


I belong in an institution

There's nothing wrong

But that's a lie

Nothing will ever be okay

Not until he's dead and gone

Then I'll be perfect

Not crazy at all

But somehow I know

I maybe am insane

After all

Maybe it's me who needs to die

And not him

Maybe I'm the one

Causing him misery

And not the other way around

But I can say nothing

I am speechless

Without a purpose in life

Is it me?

Or am I really insane?

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