Killing The Child-Me

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Blood Is everywhere

The dead are all around me

What's going on, and why am I holding a blood-stained knife?

I should be disgusted but strangely i'm not

This feels right

I somehow know I was the one who killed them

My smile suddenly falters

There's one child left standing right in front of me

My eyes widen as I see her appearance

White blonde hair and blue eyes

I see a mirror image of me as a child

But I show no mercy

I can't let anyone in as I lunge for the kill

Blood splatters my skin as I stab the girl

She lies dead on the ashy snow

I smile and start to laugh

But why am I enjoying this so much?

A cloudy haze takes over my mind as I laugh psychotically

I black out only to awaken and realize it was all a dream

I should be worried about the fact that there is something mentally wrong with me

But I can only smile to myself

Because I know this wasn't the first dream and it definitely won't be the last

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