I'm Not Crazy

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No point

Not worth it

Just go away

Wasting time

Nothing but misery

Just shut up

Don't want to hear it

Go away

Go away

Go away

You can't be here

Going crazy

Digging nails into my arm

Shaky hands

It's not worth it

Just end up in more pain

Stop yelling

Just go away

Can't wait until I fade away

Stop the yelling

Driving me crazy

I can't deal with you today

Where's a knife

Want to kill someone

I'm not crazy

I'm not

Just need everyone gone

Respect that

Hate fuels crazy

Go away




Make everything better

Can't stand living

Want to die

Want to cut deep

Frustrated at the world

Hate living like this

Acting weird

Don't know what's going on




Can't help

On my own

For the better

Everything fades to black

I'm back again

Pretty lights uninteresting

Go away

Don't rip my layers


Want to be alone

Away from everything

Blade in hand

Nothing anyone can do

Told someone

Broke the promise

Lied to myself

I can do this

Can't be that bed

Lived this way for 16 years

Let's try for 18

Then I can rest

Shaking hands

Savoring the pain

They don't care

I can take it

I'm not crazy

Just slightly demented

Wish you were dead

You're a few feet away

Can't let you know

It will get worse


Go ahead

This is what you wanted



Wish it weren't true

Bruises are all too real

I'm not perfect

I'm me

Sorry if you hate that

Hands shaking

Feelings back

Can't take it

But I can

Can't tell anything else

I'm not crazy

I'm not


Shut up

Has nothing to do with you


That's what I am

Can do nothing

Can be nothing

Forever left in darkness

I'm not crazy

I'm not crazy

I'm not crazy

Just me

Too many thoughts

In my head

Razor blade in hand

I can't help

I'm useless

Don't ask me to tell

I hate lying to myself

Go away

Not who you think

Don't know who you're talking to

Some crazy


I'm not crazy

Just psychotic

That's what everyone says

Head a scary place

Can't let you in

It'll kill you

I can't let you in

I'm not crazy

Just twisted

No one can see

What rests inside

Waiting to escape

I hate lying to myself

I'm not crazy

I know you know

Shut up

Go away

I can't listen right now

Need space


Nothing to do

Dead inside

Can't be saved

Stop staring

I hate you

I'm not crazy

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