I felt better. Calmer. Less nervous, entirely. Him being here made me feel like everything was alright, and it would be, forever.

After what seemed to be an eternity, he snapped himself out of it and offered his arm to me, raising an eyebrow. "Shall we, little bug?"

"We shall!"

I slipped my arm through his, giving him one last smile, and the two of us walked into the school. Our surroundings came back to us.

The music was blaring over several speakers, and the school had been transformed. The lights were so dim, and had an aesthetic pinkish hue to it. People were dancing with each other in the cafeteria, and streamers were flying everywhere.

I held on to Genji's arm like it was my lifeline, looking around, feeling slightly overwhelmed at the loud scene. He leaned over and kissed the top of my head, making me feel all fluttery on the inside and calming me down some.

He leaned down to my ear so I could hear him. "Be right back!"

And then, he sprinted into the mass of people. I screeched his name, yelling for him to come back. He couldn't just leave me here, in the middle of a bunch of dancing people like this. Anxiously, I whipped all around in all directions, trying to locate where he had run off.

I was so going to kill him when he came back. Jesus. 

I was getting more pissed by the second, and decided to try to find Maya or something so I could complain about what Genji had just done.

Just as I turned around furiously and was about to walk out of the crowd, the music halted, and the microphone made that painful loud ringing noise.

I clasped my ears in despair, whipping around towards the stage in the cafeteria to see what had been the source of the sound. My stomach almost lurched up out of my throat when I saw Genji standing on the stage, ripping the mic from its stand.

Couples stopped dancing when the music stopped, looking towards the stage, waiting for some kind of explanation as to why it stopped.

I mouthed to that absolute DUMBASS, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" but he only winked at me, holding the mic up to his mouth.

"Attention, attention everyone!" he announced without any shame at all.

I facepalmed.

"You can get back to your dance as soon as I finish bragging. You see that girl right there? The one in the black dress, standing next to the concession table?"

To my horror, he was pointing his finger at me. My face heated up immensely as several pairs of eyes were suddenly inspecting me with curiosity. I gave an awkward wave, shooting a glare at Genji as if telling him to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

But did he listen?


He smirked. "She's my date. My DATE! That gorgeous girl!"

The crowd decided to clap for whatever reason, and several whoops erupted, like they were happy that he was doing this for me. Cheers and random applause filled the air, drowing out the sound of my own heart thumping loudly in my ears.

I blushed profusely, grinning uncontrollably at him, who was doing to same to me. He raised the mic to his lips again. "Okay. Just wanted to share. Get back to your dance."

He slammed the mic back down on the stand, and leaped off the stage, towards me. I shook my head, my face still warm with embarrassment. But I couldn't shake my smile.

"Wooooh! yEAH, GENJI!" Reina yelled from somewhere in the crowd.

As soon as he was close enough, he grabbed my hand. I pushed him teasingly. "I hate you!" I yelled over the music that had continued to blare. "I'm going to kill you!"

"What about settling for a dance?" he inquired.

I laughed, and the song This Must Be My Dream by The 1975 started. It was one of my favorite songs. I raised my hands up in the air and spun in a circle. Obviously, I wasn't going to dance ballet, but I'd incorporate it.

Genji began dancing too, and the two of us began to blend into the crowd, laughing our heads off and dancing really badly.

The lights in the room seemed to flash in different colors, making the whole experience very dream-like. It felt otherwordly, to be dancing with Genji like nothing else mattered at all. 

The two of us started doing really cringey shit, like dabbing whenever the drums came around, and doing the whip. It was awful, but we were honestly having so much fun.

After This Must Be My Dream, other songs by the same artist blared, and we danced accordingly. Both of us had great stamina since we worked out, so we danced for something like a straight fifteen minutes.

I'd become so comfortable, falling sloppily in his arms when I tripped on my huge heels, earning anoth round of laughter from the two of us.

I stopped afterwards, trying to catch my breath. I stood on my tippy toes up to Genji's ear. "I'm going to get us some drinks, okay?"

He nodded. "I'll wait for you by the vending machines!"

I huffed, walking towards the concession table. There were free cups of pretty much anything we could want, so I shuffled through the cups, trying to find some soda of some sort. We both loved soda.

I felt a hand placed on my shoulder, and I turned to see Maya standing there in a bright golden dress. She looked so pretty. Her makeup was close to flawless, enhancing her features, and her hair was pulled up into a ponytail. "(Y/n)!" she squealed.

I squealed too, pulling her into an embrace. "Oh my god, I finally found you!" I yelled so she could hear me.

"Where's Genji?!"

"Where's Erick?!" I asked back.

She held her hand up like she had an amazing idea. "Get your mans, I'll get mine. We should claim a table together!"

I nodded in understanding, grabbing a couple of cups of soda. She set off into the crowd to find Erick, and I went he other direction, wading through the crowd to get to the vending machines, where Genji said he would be waiting for me. 

I did my best not to spill the drinks I was holding, and somehow managed to make it through alive. I looked up, and was about to call out to Genji that I had found Maya, but froze in place when I saw what I saw.

He was standing by the vending machines, alright. Some girl with long blonde hair was pressed up against him, one hand pulling him towards him towards her. She was leaning in for what seemed to be a kiss.

He wasn't touching her in any way, but he wasn't exactly putting up a fight either. I gritted my teeth, waiting for him to push her away, but he didn't.

I slammed the two cups down on a nearby table, somehow alerting him that I was there, and his eyes widened with realization. I shook my head, blinking rapidly with disappointment and sadness. The blonde turned around too to see what he was looking at, narrowing her eyes at me.

Before he could do anything else, I turned and dove back into the crowd, running away from what I had just seen. 

(A/n): Lmao sorry it was so long. Hope you didn't mind it that much. :P

Dance of Two Colors (Genji x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن