Welcome to my life.

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Hello. It's me, you! And I hate to inform you, buttttt.... Man your life sucks right now. Anyway author-chan have fun rebuilding your fourth wall!
(Thoughts are Italics. A/Ns are Bold)

"Y/nnnnnn~ " your mother called in a singsong voice. Heh. She must be drinking again. But why would she drink before the party? Oh shoot you have to go to that dumb cocktail party too. And your only, like, 16 and a half! DON'T U DARE FORGET THE HALF. "It's time to gooo, you betterr get readdyyyy~" she slurred. You honestly had no idea what she wanted you to wear so you called down to her. "What would you like me to wear, ma'am?"

Yes. You had one of those 'families' that
made the kids address your 'parents' as "ma'am" and "sir".You don't like it but it's not the worst they do, and you're used to it anyway.

Oh wait, your mother just slurred that she's coming up with your dress. (Pic at the top) knock knock. She's here.

(Ok sorry that was weird pov its first person now)

I opened the door to find my mother in her usual dark orange dress. Face a coloring book of makeup. Blonde hair (it's bleached like, big time. It was dark brown before) in an updo. And she was holding my nightmare.

Yes. It was a dress. It was pink and had clear, obviously fake, jewels around the neck. On one side there was this huge fabric rose. It was very beautiful, but it just wasn't you. It didn't fit your eyes, and your hair didn't look right with it...Plus I hate it. But I wore it anyway. If I didn't my mother would surely put me in something revealing.

You see, she wants me to get guys, and I'm guessing it's because she's going to make me marry a rich man one day, because that would make us richer. I don't care about money, and I kind of want to stay single....but the choice isn't mine. Is it?

Your mother interrupted your thoughts just then. (And was also suddenly sober, you had no idea how she did that) Oh, and put your leotard on under it, and pack your tutu. Your performing at the party."

Thanks for giving me a lot of time in advance to practice, mom.  You know I don't have a lot of beauty and grace when it comes to ballet. I'm gonna fall on my freaking face and then dad will hurt me for embarrassing them.

But you said nothing, just nodded your head like you always did. 

(Le skip of time to when your ready brought to you by my internet boi MettatonsLeg XD not really I did this)

After shoving my old phone (my parents gave me their old ones) and my sketchbook with a few pencils in my bag, hiding them under my tutu, I started putting on makeup like my mom said, I let my thoughts wander for a bit.

Man, I hate this makeup, it's all heavy and beauty should be natural! I wish I could wear something blue for once, like my soul.  And like my aunt. I wish mother would tell me her name. Let's see... What do I know about her? What do I know...? I look like her, she had an integrity soul, she was apparently foolish, let her feelings get in the way of fame, and ran away according to mother.  And she danced. Taught herself how if I remember correctly.

I wonder if she was like me.

I finished putting on my makeup, and walked downstairs. Mother and father were waiting. "You look lovely, as you should!" Mother exclaimed excitedly. "Yes, very beautiful indeed, like every girl should." My father said after her. I knew it was a complement, but the words felt like acid burning through my skin.

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