OHD: Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

"Fuck!" I moaned out, my face turning beet red at the unwanted cry for more. "See, you can deny all you want," Kaiden placed kisses down my neck, his free hand entangled in my hair. "But your body knows what it wants, Jose." His voice was dripping with lust as he suckled on my neck, pleasure running through my body. On one hand, I wanted to flee and get hit by a train but on the other hand, my body was begging for his touch.

What to do?

"That may be right," I managed to pull his wet hand, stained with my cum, from my boxers with a pant, grimacing as he licked his fingers clean. "But you're just a kid." I shook my head, finding another reason why we just would not work out. "I'm too old for you Kaiden." I stated with a fold of my arms, peeved by the way his lips turned up into a grin. "You're six years older than me, Jose." He mocked, leaning closer and closer to me so all I could smell was his Giorgio Armani cologne. "But I still want you."

He turned my head towards him abruptly and I was startled. "The hell you doi-"

My protest was cut off by lips crashing down on mine. My senses were overcome by the amount of electricity and sparks wracking my body. His tongue invaded my lips, caressing the inside of my mouth relentlessly. I tried to push against him but it was no use because my body felt weak and he was too strong. I moaned into his mouth, hating my traitorous body as his hands roamed my torso, squeezing and grabbing at whatever they could.

When he pulled away, I glared at him, wiping my lips with a pant. "Do that again and I will render you ball-less." I threatened and I heard a laugh from above us. "You guys are an adorable couple." I gasped in horror, grimacing at the waiter, who was smiling at us. "That is no such-" But alas, I was cut off again. "Thank you. That means a lot." Kaiden smirked at the waiter, his eyes never leaving me.

If he thought he was putting me with him, that was surely never going to happen. I don't do relationships. Just one-night stands and I'm content with it all.

"What can I get for you guys to eat?" Ryan asked. "I'll take the chicken fettuccine alfredo." I murmured, my cheeks still slightly red. "I'll have the sirloin dipped in wine sauce." Kaiden replied, handing Ryan our menus. I watched as he walked away before turning back to Satan incarnate to remind him of why I was even here.

"So are you going to find information on the bloke my mate is having issues with?" I stared blankly at him, wondering why he was just looking at me. "Yea, sure I can." Kaiden threw out in that sultry voice of his. Was it just me, or was this man too attractive for words? This is essentially why we just could not be a thing. He was too attractive for me, even more attractive than I was, which made me slightly insecure.

"Great." I pulled out my phone, prepared to text Kaiden the name of the person I was referencing to. "His name is Steve Bardlow and he is a CEO of some sort." I picked up my glass of Sangiovese wine, taking a sip. "Cazzo, that is delicious." I could feel the alcohol slowly setting in. It was strong in this particular wine, it seems so. "How did your friend get involved with him?" Kaiden questioned and I raised a brow.

"Seems like he met him at the club we went to last night." I hinted but I had a feeling that was true.

Kaiden nodded and we sat deep in thought, wondering about our lives. I ignored the fanning of Kaiden's breath on my face and his proximity to my body while thinking. I didn't understand why he was so persistent. Usually when guys got what they wanted, they left and never spoke again. At least, that's what I did. I wasn't the type of guy to go fraternizing with the guy I had sex with before. Nah, because it was hard to get rid of them once you did that.

I would know because I was that way when it came to Zy Finnerty.

Oh, how I loved him. There was a time I thought he did everything right. No lies, no wrong, all in the same time, I must have been out of my mind. When I sit back and I think of the time I would've killed myself for his love, there was a moment in which he showed me who he really was. I don't think that moment that I walked into the flat that we shared, to hear moans and cries of ecstasy, to see him pounding the life out of that twink, to hear him tell me that he didn't love me anymore after I dedicated my life to him, I don't think that moment will ever fade from my mind.

That moment burned a hole in my heart, one that could never be filled because I gave my all to that man and he ripped up, threw it out of the window and ran over it with his Bugatti Veyron.

I'll never forget how hard I cried that night.

"Jose?" A deep voice knocked me from my thoughts and I blinked rapidly, feeling something wet on my cheek. "Ah..." I chuckled humorlessly, wiping away that one tear. "Are you okay, love?" I nodded, not trusting my voice right now. "Let's eat." The look on Kaiden's face said that he would leave it alone for now and because of that, I was okay with him holding my hand. I was so afraid to give myself up like I did with Zy. I could never go through that pain again.

And with that, I began to eat, drinking the rest of my wine.

After we finished eating, I pulled out my wallet to pay for my portion. "Put that away." Kaiden demanded, handing Ryan his black card. "Fool, what are you doing?" I whirled around him, standing up and grabbing my belongings. "I could've very well paid for myself, Kaiden!" I narrowed my eyes at him, my head feeling a bit woozy from the alcohol. "You could have," Kaiden stood, putting on his jacket, looking down at me with a smirk.

"But you didn't."

I pushed down the urge to growl like a madman as I stalked away, prepared to go home. I didn't make it 15 feet away before a thick arm wrapped itself around my waist, goodbyes being said from those lips.

All eyes were fixated on us as we exited and I hated that attention. "This is where we depart." I muttered, trying to pry his grip from around me. "Didn't you hear me earlier?" I turned my neck up to look Kaiden in the eye. "I'm taking you home." There was no room for discussion in that curt tone of his and I found myself walking to his Aston Martin with a pout evident on my face. He got in, making sure that I was buckled in and safe like a doting parent before asking me my address.

I rolled my eyes, not questioning why he didn't know that when he knew everything else about me. "6850 Reddman Road." I stated and he nodded, beginning to drive. After a few minutes of silence, I spoke. "Why is it that you know everything about me, but I know nothing of you?" I questioned, finding a loophole in this relationship that he wanted to have. "If you're trying to date me, shouldn't I know the basics?" I hoped that my prying would shut everything down and that he wouldn't want to date someone nosy because then I could move on with my life.

"Oh sorry, love." He looked fascinating when he drove, like a badass hitman. "My name is Kaiden Levi West. My birthday is July 11th, 1995. My parents are Kyra and Cortez West but I don't talk to them anymore. I moved here about a year ago but before, I was living in San Antonio, Texas. I'm twenty two but you already know that. I work as an agent for the FBI but I'm allowed to do things on my own terms." He clarified and I stared at gim with a look of disbelief.

"Anything else?" He asked casually, turning into the driveway of my two story house. "No thanks. I didn't think you'd be so willing to tell me your whole life story, mate." I grabbed my things to get out of the car but then Kaiden turned the engine off, getting out. "What is this idiota doing?" I questioned to myself, watching him walk around to my door. "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't open your door for you?" He grabbed my hand to help me out and I inhaled the smell of his intoxicating cologne.

"I particularly wouldn't care because I'm a man myself." I let go of his hand, walking up to my door, key in hand. After I unlocked the door, I turned to Kaiden. "This is the part where you leave." I hissed and he raised a brow, pushing past me into my house. "Cazzo!" I groaned, walking and closing the door. "Nice place you got, love." He turned to me, his brow still raised. "I'm going to go change and when I come back, I expect you to be gone." I nodded in affirmation as I walked up the stairs to my bedroom.

When I entered my room, I stripped off my clothes immediately, putting on a tank top and shorts, having already showered at the hospital. I walked back downstairs, my eyes being sadly mistaken as my heart thundered within my chest.

The bane of my existence was sitting in my living room, shoes and shirt on the couch as he stared at me, lips curled up into a hungry smirk, his eyes promising a long night ahead.

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