Feeling Beautiful

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I remember when I discovered makeup. Oh I was terrible at it. There was this one thing called mascara. The way it made my lashes look. I looked stunning. My lashes were short & curly. With mascara it darkened my lashes and elongated them. It made me look so much more feminine. Lipstick gave a bit of colour to my full lips. I stayed clear of red lipstick hating how vibrant it looked on me.

I just loved the feeling makeup gave you. I felt so much more confident. But once I took my makeup off all of that was gone. I was back to reality.

I vowed to stop wearing makeup I hated how it was temporary. I didn't want to be that person who is too afraid to ever be seen without makeup. But I understood why other people liked it. It was fun and allowed you to express your creative side. Like art but you are the canvas.

I didn't want to be like those people who felt that they needed makeup. It shouldn't never come to that point when it's difficult to go out of the house barefaced.

I think I'll be posting 2 chapters per day. I just want to complete this book. Don't forget to vote & comment. Love you all xx

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