I Want To Be Like Them

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I started to question why I couldn't look like them. Why couldn't I have beautiful fair skin like the others. Why me God? I became more self-conscious. I constantly felt like people were judging me for how I looked. I was always comparing myself to others, and noting how much prettier they were in contrast to me.

There were times when I wished I was white. I wanted to have bright blue eyes, porcelain skin, straight and long blonde hair. I had to face the music. I was nothing like them. And I never would be. If I couldn't be like them I could atleast try right?

Over time I started to act like them. I had an accent when I spoke. So I was quite cautious of what I said. There were times when I would slip up and say things incorrectly. I would just get laughed at. People would try to correct me. I just felt stupid. It took me sometime to master the language that we call English, and pronounce words like them, but I did it.

So what'd you think? Don't forget to vote, comment your thoughts & follow me! Until next time xx

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