“Good Luck Casey, see you next year or over the summer maybe.” I nodded as another thank you and started off towards English. Mrs. Lawson was standing outside the door watching the kids pass by, he phone in her class room rang and she picked it up and I walked in, I was yet again the first in there.

            “Oh my gosh! Really! Okay, okay I am on my way. Bye.”

            “What is it?” I asked…and then…my water broke.

            “Mrs. Jones is in labor,” and she looked down at me, “and apparently so are you.”

            She quickly dialed the nurse and quickly got me in a wheel chair, I randomly got sharp pains. Mrs. Lawson went over to Mrs. Jones to drive her to the hospital and I gave her Nicks number to call him. He was on his way to his truck when I was being loaded into the ambulance. They really rushed towards the hospital. All 4 of us arrived at the hospital at the same time. Nick had to call Mark and Theresa to get down here so Theresa could quickly check me in.

            “My gosh this was crazy!” Theresa said filling out the paper work quickly. Moments after Theresa arrived Mrs. Jones’s husband joined her. They rolled Mrs. Jones and I into rooms opposite each other. We wished each other luck just before entering our rooms. I wasn’t too comfortable with Mark and Theresa in the room, however Mrs. Lawson stayed with me, she went to check on Mrs. Jones every now and then. Theresa came in every once and a while too.

            “Well Casey, it will be a few hours before you deliver, maybe more. We still have a while to go, and even before I give you the epidural. So just hang in there and I will be back shortly to check on you.”  I nodded.

            “Nick…this is it.”

            “I know…I’m really excited, yet terrified.”

            “Don’t be scared, just think about the beautiful face that you will be holding in a few hours.”

            “Thank you, I needed that.”

            Mrs. Lawson walked back in after Nick just kissed my hand.

            “Hey kiddo, how are you holding up?”

            “Pretty well, although I really can’t wait for these stupid contractions to end. How is Mrs. Jones?”

            “Well, she is about the same rate you are at. Nick’s mother just went in to visit her, apparently they are old friends.”

            “Oh, lovely. Isn’t this a coincidence how we are having our babies on the same day?”

            “I think so.” She laughed. Another contraction came on and I squeezed Nick’s hand so hard while Mrs. Lawson was telling me to breathe.

            “Oh man, that hurt.” I was trying to adjust myself to a comfier position.

            “Only a bit longer, hang in there.” Every time I tried to get some sleep I got a contraction, so I figured I wasn’t going to get some sleep until the baby was born.

            “Hey Casey, how are you holding up?” The doctor came in.

            “Okay, these contractions are getting closer and closer.”         

            “Well let me check it out, your teacher is getting ready for delivery now.” She said, “and so are you, are you ready?”        

            “As ready as I will ever be.” I said and she got me ready to go into the delivery room.

            “Okay then, let’s go.” She wheeled me out into a room down the hall with Nick and Mrs. Lawson on my side.

            “Okay Casey, when I saw give me a huge push. Push!” I tried pushing with all I had, I had a hold of Nick and Mrs. Lawson’s hand squeezing with everything I had.         

            “One more Casey, you can do it, I see a head.” I pushed way harder than the first time, or I tried to anyway.

            “One more big push and that’s it.” She said and I gave it one last go and the baby was out.          

            They took the baby in to clean it off and make sure it was healthy. I breathed really hard trying to catch up with myself, I was slightly winded .

            “Casey you did a beautiful job.” Mrs. Lawson said patting my head with a wet cloth.

            “Thank you…I just can’t wait to see my baby’s face.” I smiled as much as I could.

            “Beautiful baby.” Nick leaned down and kissed me.

            They brought Mrs. Jones to my room and set her bed a few feet away from me.

            “Hey there. How did it go?” She looked over at me.

            “Pretty well, you?”

            “Pretty well.”

            Then we saw 2 nurses each carrying a baby one was brought over to Mrs. Jones and they said, ‘congratulations Anna you have a beautiful healthy baby girl.’

            I smiled at her and the nurse brought over my baby and she said, “Congratulations Casey and Nick, you have a beautiful and healthy baby girl.” She smiled and handed me my baby girl.

            “She is beautiful Casey, looks just like you.” Mrs. Lawson said.

            “Wow.” Nick said in absolute amazement.

            “What do you want to name her Nick?” I asked him.

            “Well, I have a middle name if you have a first one.” He laughed.

            “What is it?” I asked smiling at him.

            “Rose.” I smiled again thinking how that is my middle name too.

            I whispered in Nicks ear what the name I thought of is and he shook his head and smiled.

            “Do we have a name Casey? Mr. Smith is dying to know.” Mrs. Lawson peeked in the room.

            I smiled, “Kaylie Rose Bowman.”

            “Gorgeous Casey,” She looked over to Mrs. Jones and asked the same thing.

            “Over here we have Brielle Marie Jones.” She smiled.

            “Awww, so beautiful.” I smiled at her.

            “I adore Kaylie, how are you spelling it?” She asked.


            “I love it.”

            “Where did Brielle come from?”

            “It’s my middle name, my mother wanted my sister and I to have similar middle names, hers is Belle and I have Brielle.”

            “So pretty.” I smiled.

            The nurses came in and put the babies into the hospital cribs next to us. Mrs. Jones and I slept for hours, it felt great to sleep for a while, the nurses woke us up to teach me how to breastfeed so we could feed them, shortly after they fell asleep and so did we until morning. However my last thought before I slept with Nick by my side was, ‘Welcome to teenage motherhood Casey.’

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