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jimin shut the car door behind him, leaned over to kiss yoongi on the cheek as he sat in the driver's seat, and then proceeded to buckle his seat belt. the younger bot tossed his back pack in the back seat and let out a sigh into the evergreen car fresher scented air.

yoongi's slender hands curled around the faux black leather of the steering wheel as the car moved onward from the school parking lot at the end of the day. his boyfriend leaned back in his seat and turned his face toward the window, eyes scanning over the world as it was being brought into new life. the sun hat high in the sky with the cotton-colored clouds and made the buildings of the city cast shadows on the rain stained streets.

the barren branches of the native cherry trees began to bloom with spots of pink resting in the arms of the tree like freckles on a pale face.

"spring break's coming up, you know," a bubbling voice said as yoongi rolled down the window of the car's, letting jimin feel the wind on his face when he spoke.

"is it? i hadn't even thought about it," yoongi's low voice admitted sheepishly. the only thing he ever did on spring break anymore is hangout with hoseok and the others, searching the far corners of the lively city.

"in a week actually, jimin said. his gaze turned to the pale-fleshed boy sitting next to him. his dark gaze was set on the car-littered road ahead. "which is why you and i should start planning something."

yoongi's snicker was an amused one. "really now?"

"yep; just you and me and i don't know, maybe toby."

"the dog?" yoongi's eyebrows were pinched together in a mock confusion when he turned to jimin, who had the most serious look on his face that he had ever seen.

"yes the dog! who the hell do you think held my hand before you did?"

the joking dragged on and jimin burst out in a tear jerking laugh that yoongi found so much joy in. his heart tugged at the corners when jimin's melodic symphonies poured from his puffy lips.

he intertwined their hands, the other still maneuvering the car with the wheel. "so where are the we and toby going for spring break then?"

"i was looking in some nature magazine the other day and jeju has some really nice waterfalls and scenery. we can rent out one of those little old-fashioned houses for the week."

"and where are you getting all this money from, exactly? first with the piano now the trip. are you my sugar daddy or something?"

"if anything you're the sugar daddy, just without the money," he scoffed. "first off, i've kept all my christmas and birthday money since i was fourteen. secondly, the piano wasn't that much i told you i got it from some secondhand shop and then got someone to fix it up."

yoongi rubbed circles over jimin's tanned hands, following the dips and curves of his veins and all. "jeju, huh?"

november 4th, 2017

a rlly bad chapter that the spring break chapters will make up for because i already feel better!! i grew a dick and dumped her ass i mean, she cheated it's her fault.


as one of my followers reminded me,
bts always says "love yourself, love myself."
whoever told me that, thank you. i appreciate it.

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