Chapter 34: Time Flying

Start from the beginning

" Okay, so I was given two options go to hell or live on earth. I chose to die because I didn't want to make you guys worry about other things that happen to go wrong in my life. I wanted you guys to live in peace without anyone worrying about being in danger. And so I ended up in hell and was being pushed around, and was waiting to be sold to my master. Each master beats anyone they choose, so it is kind of like slavery. 

And so one man choose me and I tried moving out of his grip, which resulted in me getting a slap to the far and it being glazed with the fire around us. We then approached his hot red gate where they let us pass. It was crystal white around there and the man beside me told me it was heaven and that some master on this side wanted me here. So then when I got there I talked to the man and he was extremely nice, and he had the most amazing green eyes that really look into your soul. Well anyway, he said it would be best if I were on earth. And he said that he would make the transition to earth peaceful, except the master of hell came crashing down on my parade. When he told her he wanted to bring me back to life, she said okay; but she wanted me to remember we when I got back on earth. She stabbed me with a dagger and that only added to the pain I initially felt, so then that was when I woke up screaming bloody murderer." I left out the parts of who the where, because I think I should tell Edward that in private, Emmett would never make him live it down when he realizes who is parents are.

Silence was all I was met with, but Emmett had to ask the question that I did not want to answer until later.

" So who was the guy who is going to wait for you on the other side?" He winked at me and chuckled at Edward's expression.

" For your information the man in charge is Sr. Edward Mason." I growled at him in fury.

" Wait! Edward's father." He stuttered, while I nodded my head. I felt Edward tense and relax beside me.

" May I speak to Bella alone for a moment?" His voice was barely above a whisper but they all get up and left us here. Once everyone was gone, he took an unnecessary breath.

" What was he like?" I felt the corners of my lips turn into a smile at that.

" He is amazing, and he looks like a replica of you I swear is stared at him with my mouth hung open, and he also wanted me to tell you something." I informed him and watched as his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

" What did he say?" I have a feeling he would be jumping up and down if it were not for the fact that I had a hand on his shoulder.

" He said that he is proud of you, and that when you pass, he will right there for you." If he could have tears in his eyes, I am betting he would.

" What about my mom?" He asked but there was something in his eyes that I could not place.

" She.. she is the master who wanted me in hell. Your father told me to tell you that she is worse than hell itself." I couldn't look into his eyes, so I looked at the ground. He pulls my chin up with his index finger and smiled.

" Well she was never a lovely woman to begin with." My mouth dropped and he chuckled.

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