A Night With Owen

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My nerves are buzzing. I am going to be spending the night with Owen, alone. In my head, I know that he won't do anything unbecoming of a gentleman, but my heart wonders what that constitutes.

The neighborhood is becoming familiar.  Since I first came here several weeks ago, I have visited a half dozen times, but always with someone else tagging along. This will be the first night that we are alone. That word used to cause feelings of isolation, but now it is causing exhileration. I love alone time with my guys. 

When we pull into the driveway, my breath hitches a but. This is it. What it is is still unclear to me. What do I want to happen? The furthest I have gone is with Kota and that wasn't much really, but it was certainly enjoyable.  I shake my head clearing those thoughts since I am with a different guy, Owen.

The warmth of the car is suddenly sucked away as the cold air rushes in to take its place. Owen quickly closes his door and hurries around to open mine. Reaching in the back, I grab my go bag and reach for Owen's extended hand.  He tells me out of the car and closes the door.  We hold hands as we ascend the steps to his front door. He doesn't even let go of my hand to unlock the door, like he wants to make sure I will still be there when he is done. It is sweet and I feel wanted.

We take our shoes off at the door and Owen locks up.  It is still fairly dark inside since he has yet to turn on the lights.  A faint glow comes from the direction of the kitchen and Owen tugs my hand as we head in that direction, me still clinging to my bag.  I wonder what Gabriel packed for me to wear to bed.  If he forgot, I guess I will just have to wear a shirt of Owen's.  It's not like Gabriel will forget anything like that though.  

In the kitchen, Owen buzies himself with pulling a loaf of bread from his freezer.  He places it on the counter and turns to me.  "Would you like something to drink?"

"Water is fine with me right now.  I may need some coffee in the morning though." 

"The boys are coming over for breakfast.  I was hoping you would make your French Toast Casserole, or at least show me how."  He looks a little guilty for asking me to cook at his place.  I don't mind though.  I enjoy cooking for my guys.  I makes me feel like I am taking care of them.

"We can make it together. What else are we having?  Even two casseroles won't be enough."  I know how much my guys eat.  

"Luke and North are bringing eggs, sausage and bacon.  Victor is getting coffee. Kota and Nathan are bringing  fruit parfaits.  Gabriel and Silas are getting donuts and bagels.  I think we will have enough food, don't you."

My eyes bug out a bit as I listen to him rattle off what everyone is bringing.  I think that will be enough food to feed an army, especially with how my guys like to buy stuff.  Maybe we can find a homeless shelter or something to take the leftovers.

I just shake my head and get the other necessary ingredients.  Owen breaks up the bread while I melt the butter and milk in the brown sugar.  I pour this in to the pans and Owen puts the bread on top.  Then I scramble the eggs with milk, vanilla and softened creme cheese.  Everything is dumped on top of the bread and cinnamon is sprinkled over the top.  It is one of the easier dishes that I learned to make too long ago to remember. I shake my head clear of those thoughts as we wrap plastic wrap around the dishes and put them in the refrigerator .  We work in tandem cleaning up the kitchen, talking about inconsequential things. When everything is back to perfection, I grab a bottle of water and we head to Owen's room.  I am still amazed by how comfortable this room feels to me.  

Owen opens one of his drawers and pulls out a white t-shirt and gray flannel pajama bottoms. He gives me a millimeter smile and gestures for me to enter the en suite bathroom.  Taking my whole bag with me, I shut the door and turn to the mirror.  I look at the soft, white towels that have been laid out on the vanity wondering when he had time to pull them out.  I use the cleanser and wash the day's grime off from my face and apply the moisturizer that Meanie has insisted I use each night.  I love the soothing lavender smell and smile at the way my guys show me that they care.  

I open my bag and look at what Meanie packed.  Reaching in, my hand touches a piece of soft, smooth fabric.  Knowing that it is too big to be panties or a bra, I pull it out.  In my hand is an elegant, knee length silver/gray, spaghetti strap night gown.  I can't believe that he would pack something like this.  Actually, I can believe it.  He wants this plan to work just as much as I do and I know that I am going slower with Owen than with the others. Slipping the nightgown over my head, I shiver as the fabric glides down my body to settle perfectly along my subtle curves. Before exiting the bathroom, I tidy up the sink and hang up my towel also taking the time to steal my nerves before facing Owen.

 My cheeks immediately turn red as I hear a small gasp from across the room.  I slowly look up as Owen regains his composure and stalks toward me with eyes swirling with desire. He stops in front of me and pulls me into his arms. "You, my darling, are the most exquisite woman I have ever met.  I will be forever grateful to Kota for stopping you that night. The first time I saw you, I was blown away with your innocent beauty.  I tried not to have feelings for you, that is a lost cause.  Miss Sang Sorenson, I love you. Would you be kind enough to let me show you just how much?"  

I give him a small smile, my cheeks still warm and pink.  Just as I nod my head, he sweeps me up into his arms and carefully places me on the bed his body hovering over mine as he gently places a light kiss on my lips.  Owen settles down beside me, but his upper body is still directly over mine, just barely touching.  His hand caresses my cheek and he leans in further to claim my lips.  The kiss is sensual and passionate.  It is like we are trying to tell each other how we feel without words, using only our lips.  Owen gently nips at my bottom lip causing me to open slightly.  He takes advantage of that small opening to thrust his tongue into my mouth. I take the cues that he gives me to follow the kiss loving every second of it.  His hand moves from my face to my side, gliding down the smooth satin and just barely brushing the side of my breast.  I shiver in delight.  A small whimper escapes as he moves his lips from mine and down my neck, placing small kisses along my bare collarbone.  The thin strap slides off my shoulder as he works his way further down my chest barely grazing the tops of my breasts with his feather light kisses.  

Owen pauses and peers up at me from his position hovering over my chest. Is this okay? is the message I am getting from his eyes.  I give him a small nod which is just the encouragement that he needs to slip the top of the gown down and expose my breast.  His warm breath causes the forming ache in my center to intensify.  I shift trying to relieve the building tension as Owen assaults my chest with kisses and gentle nips.  His tongue laves my erect nipple which he then sucks on and rolls with his lips. I arch my back thrusting my chest even closer to him.

Owen slows his kisses and moves back up my neck to my mouth.  I can't get over the feeling of frustration that I am feeling.  My body aches with unfulfilled wanting.  Owen looks at my flushed face and smirks.  "Enjoying yourself?" I nod still unable to form a coherent thought.  "Me too, but we should probably stop for now."  I groan my displeasure, but Owen continues, "We will be done with this mission soon and then I will really be able to show you just how much you mean to me, my darling Sang.  Just be patient for a little bit longer."  In my head, I know that he is right, but my body definitely wants more.   How much more is the real question.  

Owen kisses my lips once again but doesn't deepen the kiss.  We then sit up for a bit talking about the day's events and how to address everything with the other guys tomorrow.  He turns off the light as I yawn one more time and we snuggle down to sleep.  The anxiety that I was feeling when I got here is gone and I drift into a sound and restful slumber.

Happy Thanksgiving!  Sorry this is a bit shorter than usual.

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