Science Fair part 2

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A drop of sweat forms on Wil's forehead. His eyes continue to dart all around, but he still doesn't seem to see Luke in the next aisle over. Luke looks so serious as he mirrors our movements. His eyes are hard, cold and almost black, not their usual soft, smiling, chocolate color. It just helps to remind me that Luke is just as well trained as the rest of the guys.

Wil pulls out what looks to be a taste and holds it close to his body. "Move. No more talking."

While I am a bit nervous about the taser, I am not going to let Wil take me any where. I still obey his command and start counting in my head as I move my feet to the beat. *One, two, three, one, two three, one, two, three* I spin around and around. Wil just looks on like I have completely lost my mind. It is rather comical and I see Gabriel barely holding it together as he approached Wil from behind.

"What are you doing?" Wil asks incredulously.

I make a zipping motion along my lips as I spin in front of him, cocking my head to the side as if asking a question.

"Just answer," he demands.

I unzip my lips with a smirk and explain," I am doing a waltz because you said to move, but Did not specify how I was to move."  The look on his face is absolutely priceless. He is completely bewildered with my answers and my actions.

"Kota taught me a few months ago. Do you realize that you can waltz to some contemporary songs? You don't just have to listen to classical music. Although I love classical music especially the classical music that Victor plays. Mr. Blackbourne plays the violin as well as Victor plays the piano. I love to listen to them. Did you know that Gabriel can play the guitar?
Kota and  North  play the drums,  while  Nathan and Luke  play  guitar and bass . They told me once that they could actually form a band if they wanted to."
As Gabriel and Luke get close enough to intercept, I continue my monologue. " I love dancing. I know I'm not very good at it , but I still love it. I went to a club once. It was hot and crowded , but I loved it. I think I really liked it because I was spending time with a few of my guys."

" Would you just shut up !"

I use his outburst as a trigger and "stumble" into Wil causing a distraction. Gabriel grabs for the taser, as Luke reaches for Wil's neck. In no time flat, the taser is tucked safely in Gabriel"s jacket and Wil is being lowered to the floor, unconscious.

A small crowd starts to gather around us and the prone body when Sean comes hurrying in carrying his black doctor's bag. He starts giving orders and everyone obeys. I stare at the limp body on the floor and think about all of the possible outcomes that could have happened. I expect to start shaking any minute now as the adrenaline starts to wear off.

The scent of spring soap sends a warm rush through my body. "That was perfect, Miss Sorenson. Now, let's get you out of here."

"I haven't finished my mission yet."

"You did more than you realize. Dr. Green will be taking Mr. Winchester to the hospital. The Toma team will meet them there along with a few good interrogators. They will sort it out. You did very well. I suspect that you will be contacted and offered compensation for your involvement here." Owen gives me his famous millimeter smile as we make our way to Jessica's exhibit.

Jessica is not there, but another girl is. She looks over her shoulder before reaching up to touch something on the display.

"Hey!" I yell as loud as my broken voice will allow me. Owen is already lengthening his stride to get there faster.

The girl turns to look in our direction and tried to run the opposite way only to come face to face with a very angry Jessica Lee.

"What were you doing to this display?" I ask with as much authority as I can muster. I recognize the girl as one from the group of cheerleaders.

"N-nothing," she stammers and drops a crumpled up piece of paper that she was trying to put into her pocket.

I bend down and retrieve the paper, flattening it out on the edge of the table. On the paper , are the results of Jessica's experiment. The girl was trying to sabotage Jessica's work. As I consider what is going on , I start to see red and my anger grows. How could anybody do something like this to another person? If she is like this and Middle School , what would she be like as an adult? Jessica is just about in tears. I hate seeing her hurt like this. I need to do something about it.
I show Owen the paper and stalk toward the girl. I channel my inner North. "Why?" I demand with enough malice in my voice that it is almost palpable.

By this time, the girl is shaking and tears are forming in her eyes. "They told me to." She stares at the tile floor with rejection written all over her face.

"Who?" My voice is strong and commanding like Kota and Owen.

"Christina and Marjory. They said that if I didn't ruin Miss Perfect's project, I would not make the team this year."

Jessica is already trying to repair the damage done to her exhibit, when she spins toward the simpering girl and lets loose with a tirade of inflammatory remarks. "Katelin, you shouldn't have made the team last year. You can't even do a proper cartwheel. Let alone your lack of rhythm and inability to coordinate with the rest of the team. Do you know why you are an outlier? Because they don't trust you to be a base and you are too big to be a flyer. They told you to ruin my project because you are a sheep. You follow what anyone tells you. You have no backbone. Now, go bleet in someone else's ear. I am done with you. I have work to do." without a glance back at her, Jessica turns back to her display and tries to salvage it.

Within seconds, an older lady dressed in a sharp navy skirt suit walks up to our group. "Miss Lee, what happened?"

"Katelyn tore up my display, Mrs. Sebastian." Jessica answers politely.

"I see. Do you have proof of this?" she asks kindly.

"Mam, we saw Katelin taking something from the display. She dropped that paper when trying to put into her pocket. And she confessed." I inform the authoritative woman standing in front of us.

"Hmmm, if that is the case, then you all need to,come with me so we can properly document this. Katelin, you were warned earlier this year. You had no wiggle room. I am sorry, but you will be expelled for the remainder of the year. If you cooperate, you may be allowed back next year."

Katelin's face gets dangerously pale and it looks like she is going to faint. Then she straightens up and follows Mrs. Sebastian. Owen, Jessica and I follow behind.

We complete our statements of what we saw. Fortunately, I never turned off my phone and we have a recorded confession from Katelyn that also implicates Marjory and Christina. Owen was able to send that audio clip to Mrs. Sebastian without sending my ramblings to Wil or Jessica's rant.

Jessica left to fix her display and Owen and I walked to his car. He opened the door for me and I slid across the smooth leather seat. I click my seat belt just before Owen opens the driver's side door.

Owen gets into the car without a word.  He puts on his seat belt and starts the engine before turning to me. "So Darling, it looks like we have some unexpected and very fortunate time to spend together. May I take you on a date?"

A/N: sorry for the length. The speech to text works okay, but I feel silly using it when anyone is around. I am not very confident with my writing yet. Enjoy and point out any glaring mistakes, please.

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