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A few days went by and yet again another streak where my blue eyes didn't come to classes did she drop out? I was concerned and determined to speak with her again and get to know her, find out why she haunted me for so long.
I stayed home from classes today I didn't feel too well. After a few hours of laying around I became bored deciding to clean our messy house while blasting some music and dancing around with the broom in my hand, I had lost track of time and was still dancing around in my pajamas with a broom when Rose and Jack walked in and right away Jack pulled out his phone recording me and posting it on his Snapchat story. "Oh hey guys!" I squeaked rushing to turn the music off "I thought you weren't feeling well Shoe Lace" Jack stated "well I feel better now, I think the messy living space had me feeling ill" I sent him a disappointed glare "I blame Rose and Ella they're always partying in here" he said accusingly "right" I scoffed with a raised eyebrow.
We decided to watch some movies until Ella got out of classes.
When Ella finally did get back we all got ready for our night out at a club called 'The Blue Scorpion' it should be fun as long as Ella didn't get shit faced which she most likely would.

We were seated in the VIP section I sighed as my roommates were throwing back drinks as if we didn't have class tomorrow accompanied by some dancers whom I wasn't interested in at all. I was just watching the people on the dance floor all the grinding sweaty bodies moving together with the occasional vape clouds floating into the ceiling fans. I scanned the rest of the room and could see the bar there were only a few people sitting ordering drinks when I saw that beautiful long black hair, and the tattoos on her arms. The crying queen tattoo stood out to me I had seen it before. It was Accalia it had to be, I quickly shot up out of my position on the couch. No one payed me any mind due to the drunkenness and dancers in their laps, I quickly made my way over to the bar and went to the opposite side of the bar from where my blue eyes was sitting. She must have sensed me approaching turning her head quickly looking at me and a perfect smile formed on her face her beautiful teeth and sharper than usual k9s shining in the dim light. I couldn't help but smile back and make my way over to sit right next to her "hi" I said shyly "hello beautiful" she said smiling and staring at me, before I could speak "sorry I ran off so quickly when we first formally met, I just got really nervous around such a beautiful woman" she slurred I blushed "how much have you drank?" I asked "oh don't worry, I can handle my liquor" she stated suddenly sounding more sober, she reached over and ran her soft hand against my thigh. I felt those pleasurable sparks again and her eyes turned a silver color "how do you do that?" I asked shocked and my lips parted slightly in awe, she glared at me a bit "do what?" She asked in a husky voice I gasped again as I kept feeling those shocks "that" I said she looked at my thigh and crept her hand further up. "Th-those shocks" I couldn't helped the growing heat that was forming in my cheeks and core, I didn't even drink what was happening "and your eyes" she leaned into me making her hot breath hit my cheek "come home with me" she whispered, I nodded involuntarily and we both got up and I followed her out of the club I don't like coincidences and I don't know how or if she knew I was here tonight but I do know that I'm glad she didn't unnoticed by me.

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