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I'm stiff and cold, I move my arms they felt very heavy and I heard a clanking sound almost like chains.
I slowly open my eyes, I looked around I was on the floor of what seemed to be a basement of some sort and my wrist had large cuffs around them attached to large chains, long enough chains so I could walk around the small cellar somewhat. I stood and tried to pry the cuffs off me, but I felt weak. "Fuck" I huffed "where the hell am I" I whispered to myself, there were only bright ceiling lights in this empty place. I was surrounded by cement not a single window or peak of sunlight. Only a door.
A metal door that made me anxious for what was behind it. I looked at my arms apparently I was given clothes I looked like a hospital patient.
Accalia can you hear me? I tried to link my mate, I waited for a few moments. She would've responded by now "fuck!" I pulled at the chains more I still felt so weak, I wanted to scream but that wouldn't help me. I can't panic, I need to get the hell out of here.

A few minutes of struggling I sat back on the ground feeling so worn, what was wrong with me? I need to leave here and find my son.
There was some noise on the other side of the door very muffled voices.
"Ah the mighty beast is awake!" A tall man entered the room followed by a small women who looked frightened. I took in the scents, at least my nose was still good. The man was a vampire, the woman... a human? Why would a human be here?
"Who are you? What do you want with me! Why am I here?" I spoke loudly "ah forgive me, I should've introduced myself. My name is Diomed, this is Olivia she is my assistant" I was confused. I let out a growl, "oh don't worry your son is safe here" he stayed with a smirk "my son!? Where is my son! What have you done to him!?" I shouted now standing and pulling at these damn chains "you will be reunited with him shortly" I growled and watched as he left the room and the woman Olivia looked at me with sadness in her eyes as she mouthed to me 'I'm sorry'. I was left confused and wondering why the hell all of this was happening.
I want to go home and be with my family and have things back to normal, Accalia please... please hear me.

I had dozed off surprisingly in this uncomfortable prison I have been put in, I didn't feel like myself. Those darts must have affected me badly, I still couldn't feel my wolf. I tried so hard to shift or regain my strength it was no use. Whatever was in those darts was still in my system. I needed water or food to maybe flush it out.

"Hey!" I shout "HEY!" I shouted louder watched as the metal door opened slowly. It was the human from before Olivia "don't shout so loud, What do you want" she said quietly "I can shout if I want to you have me imprisoned here!" I snap at her "if you don't act correctly they will turn you into one of those things" she said looking scared. "A mutant? Do they have living ones here?" I asked "no, but they are determined to create one that stays alive" I scoffed "good luck" I muttered "what is it you were shouting for?" I looked at the small blonde "food" I stated "I will get you some then" I nodded. The girl left and shortly after returned with a small bowl of what looked like oatmeal and a glass of water, it smelled normal no trace of drugs of some sort "I don't have the medicine to knock out werewolves" she stated almost like she was reading my mind "what's a human doing running with vampires anyway?" I asked "I was captured too, I want no part in this. If I don't live by their rules however, I'll be slaughtered." I looked at her and she seemed as though she was going to cry "what do they want with you?" I asked a bit more concerned "I am a witch, apparently I don't believe it I've never done any magic before in my life." I looked at her annoyed "a witch" I let out a laugh "they are real, just rare" I nodded and chugged the water she had given me, "OLIVIA" I heard a distant yell "I must get going now.." she said sadly as she left the room and closed the large door behind her. I still felt so sleepy, I decided to rest since there is not escaping for me right now.

I was startled from my sleep by the door scraping across the ground, "my apologies Lacey" Olivia said softly "I thought you were a vampire" I said tiredly, she was holding blankets and a pillow "why are you being so nice to me?" I asked "we need to help each other get out of here" she whispered, I looked in her eyes "I'll get you your son.. we will escape" she said softly and handed me my blankets. I didn't know how to respond, just thankful that someone else wanted out of here as bad as me.

I think I've been here for a few days now, Olivia hasn't come in at all since I last saw her. Maybe she got in trouble for being nice to me, these cuffs around my wrist started to become a real nuisance. I couldn't move without hearing the sound of chains dragging, I had to sleep with my arms above my head. I was taken from my thoughts when the door opened, I let out a loud growl "it's Olivia" I heard her small voice. She smelled like she has been outside and I smelled another scent.. my baby, I smelled Rehan "he's right here" she came into the room quickly holding Rehan who was wrapped in a fluffy blanket, I reached out my arms hearing the chains drag as I did so she placed him into my arms and I felt tears fall down my cheeks as I quickly embraced him and held him to my chest "my boy my sweet thing" I say in a broken voice, he looked at me with his red eyes and grabbed my hair "thank you.. thank you Olivia" I finally looked at her and was shocked by her appearance her eyes were bloodshot like she hasn't slept in days and her lip was split like she had been punched in the face. "What happened" I stated seriously "no time for that, we need to leave before he finds me" she said softly as she held up a key, she unlocked the cuffs around my wrist as I tightly held Rehan. Once the shackles fell I stood and looked at her, we both nodded towards each other and headed to the door.  

Intimidating Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora