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It's been two weeks since the attack, again things are quiet and calm. Just when you think things are back to normal something happens, sucks that it's out of my control.
I walked into Lacey and I's room, Lacey was laying on the bed with Rehan sitting on her stomach she was helping him sit up and was talking to him softly. "Hey my babies" I say and close the door behind me, I walk over to my side of the bed and sit next to them "did you say hi to mama? We missed her didn't we" Lacey says handing Rehan to me gently, I grab him and place him in my lap he looked up at me with his wide red eyes and smiled a toothless cute smile. Lacey placed a kiss on my temple "I'll be right back, have to pee" I nodded and smoothed the hairs on Rehan's head and placed a few kisses on his cheek "tell mommy, thank you for the information!" I smiled at my son hearing Lacey laugh from the bathroom "mama missed you handsome boy" I bounced him in my lap a bit earning some giggles. 
Lacey jumped back onto the bed, sitting next to me as I repositioned myself and held Rehan closer to my chest "what did you guys do today?" I asked looking at my mate "well after breakfast he woke up and made a stinky" she made a high pitched voice and poked the boys tummy making him squeal and giggle "I gave him a bath, he spent some time with auntie. I showered had dinner, watched TV. Took him back from auntie now here we are" she sighed and smiled at me, I smiled back her. "How was patrol?" She looked at our son who was gripping my hair "not very interesting, boring really. No sign of vampires or rogues, very quiet" I say laughing slightly at Rehan pulling my hair "he only plays with your hair, he loves it" I looked at her, "what did the rogues hair look like?" She shifted a bit and let out a breath, I know that sight was a lot to handle for her. She never talks about it, "it was black similar to yours" she hummed "maybe that's why" I smirk "you're hair is beautiful, what side do you get it from?" I looked at her confused raising an eyebrow "mom or dad?" I sighed, I hate talking about my parents. "My grandmother on my fathers side, she had hair like me when she was younger. We look very similar" I rubbed Rehans back as he shifted on top of me and I assumed was falling asleep "do you have any pictures?" She asked "no, I never wanted pictures of those people." I clenched my jaw, I saw her make a worried expression out the corner of my eye "what happened?" She asked concerned.
"I'm not much of a story teller" I sighed to her and looked at her, her eyes pleaded with me.
"When I was a pup, my father was alpha. He wanted a male heir, my mother couldn't carry anymore children after me. She had a hard time, she blamed me. I was a baby how could I have ruined her womb on purpose?" I paused not wanting to continue, but she must know I never told anyone about it.
"My mother was a weak woman, mentally. She let my father get away with everything, they hated me for some reason. I was never good enough, got into a lot of trouble out of rebellion. My father used to beat me.." I clenched my jaw and shut my eyes tightly trying to suppress the memories "when I was sixteen, he shifted and attacked me cause I hadn't shifted yet. I was a late bloomer, he left bad scars, that's why I have so many tattoos. They never healed so I had to cover them" Lacey had placed her hand on my arm stroking me gently "I'm sorry that happened to you Accalia" she stated "when I was eighteen I still didn't shift, he threatened to banish me. He hit my mother too, asking if I was his daughter or someone else's. He thought I was human. I think the abuse stunted my shift." I sighed and looked at the ceiling "when I was nineteen I finally shifted, I overthrew my father. I killed him. Became alpha, then my poor old mother without a mate didn't want to live without my monster of a dad, took her own life" a tear rolled down my cheek "I swore I'd never let myself be like her, weak and unable to care for her own child." I looked down at my son who was sleeping peacefully with his head on my chest "you're the strongest woman I know, and I'm glad they're dead. I wish I was there to help you" she sighed and moved closer to me putting her head on my shoulder "you're a great mother, thank you for telling me" she kissed my cheek and I turned my head to connect our lips into a small kiss "you think he'll be confused having two mothers?" I giggle towards our son "we will see when he gets older, maybe he'll ask the awful question of how babies are made and how we got him" Lacey laughed and hummed running her hand on the back of his head "you should put him in his crib" she sighed and rolled over to get off the bed.
I carefully got up trying not to wake him and walked to his room with Lacey. Gently I placed him in his crib and put a blanket over him, thank goddess she put pajamas on him earlier. We walked out quietly and cracked the door behind us.
"What do all your tattoos mean?" She asked looking at my arm as we laid on the bed again "they tell my story, the crying queen is for my mother... Even though I despised her, she taught me a great lesson." I sigh and run my fingers along her side "please no more questions about my past tonight" I look her in her eyes "okay, but I can I ask one more thing" she smirks at me "what is it?" I rub my thumb against her cheek "make love to me?" I smiled and connected our lips rolling us over so I was on top of her "yes" I whispered and smashed my lips to hers.

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