Letter 139

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March 4, 1937

Dear Eucharist Jesus,

I write to You, dear Jesus; make it so I can think lots of beautiful things.

Dear Jesus, I love You so much and I wish you so well. Give me lots of souls of sinners, so that they convert and can come into Paradise with You.

Dear Jesus, I am very glad that tomorrow I will go to Confession, because my sins will be all cancelled, and also because the priest in that moment represents You, O dear Jesus.

Dear Jesus, free lots of souls from purgatory so that they come into Paradise to glorify the most Holy Trinity, and also I entrust to You Spain and the whole world.

Dear Jesus, tell God the Father that I love Him very much, and [that] I adore Him.

Dear Jesus, tell the Holy Spirit to bless me and purify me with His love.

Dear Jesus, I want to be always beneath the Cross, close to the Madonnina and close to You, and I also want to be Your lamp that burns day and night before You become the Sacrament.

Dear Jesus, I entrust to You the Church. Dear Jesus, and I entrust to You the Holy Father, the bishops, and all the priests, and especially my spiritual father.

Dear Jesus, I kiss You on Your wounds and adore You. I am Your dear Antonietta.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I love You, Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thy Kingdom, come.

Antonietta and Jesus.

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