For the next 10 minutes the mansion was filled with the sounds of crashing and screaming as Angel chased down the prankster until the noise finally died down. In the mean time I decided to go to the gym room to take my mind off of the sensation I could still feel in my hand and get some practice in. What angel said kept playing on my mind... alongside other things... as I pummelled the punching bag. The idea of Zalga using the opportunity to ambush everyone unnerved me. If she really did do that then what good would I have been to them? It took nearly everything I had to take down one of her weaker proxies, if I had to fight someone like Scarecrow or worse yet Zalga I'm pretty sure I'd be dead before the fight even started. I began to pick up the pace and hit the bag harder and faster when the punching bag was suddenly replaced by an image of the monster of a man I killed yesterday making me lose my footing and fall forwards. "Wow even the punching bag is giving you a hard time." I got up and turned to see Jane leaning against the door with her arms crossed. "I just lost my footing that's all." I said as I went back to training. "Anyway when did you get back?" I asked still focused on the punching bag. "We literally just got back, we brought a lot of food back so if you're hungry now would be a good time to get something before everyone else eats it all." Jane advised. I hadn't eaten since I woke up so I was pretty damn hungry and the little work out session wasn't helping. "By the way where's Benny?" she asked. I stopped and turned to Jane as I took off the boxing gloves "Last I saw her was after one of her little pranks on me and Angel went wrong. Angel is probably the last person to have seen her." I explained. "She probably jumped into one of the tv's to escape then..." Jane guessed. "Probably... I'm just gona head back to my room and clean up I'll meet you in the kitchen. Oh and try to save me something." "No promises." She said as she left the room.

Once I was finished getting myself cleaned up I made my way into the kitchen to see tons of bags filled with food, drinks and others essentials. I'd say the food and drinks could last a 3 month or so but with how much everyone eats I'd be surprised if it even lasted a month. I rummaged through a couple of bags until I found some snacks and wolfed them down. "There you are." I heard Jane say behind me making me turn around as she walked up to me. "I see you found the food." She said with a smirk. "Hehe sorry I couldn't help myself." I said a bit embarrassed. "Clearly... Anyway I want you to help me with something." She said which piqued my interest. "What is it?" I asked. "Clockwork was acting strange while we were out and I think I know why." She started as she walked up to me. "When was the last time she had a tick?" she asked. "Huh? I don't know. I think it's been ages since she's had one." I said. "Exactly. That's what I think is causing her to act weird." She said. "I don't get it, what was she doing exactly that was so weird?" I asked. "When we was out she seemed vacant, almost unresponsive. That's not normal for her especially when we are out of the mansion, shes usually much more alert and talkative." Jane explained. "Ok I can understand that being weird but how can you be so sure it has something to do with her ticks?" "This is the first time she's gone so long without having a tick and it's the first time I've seen her like that. So I'm fairly certain the two are connected." Jane said crossing her arms. "Ok so what do you need my help with exactly?" I looked to Jane who looked back to me in a way that told me she wouldn't like the answer. "I want you to... make her have a tick." Jane said but I didn't respond I just stood the expressionless for a moment. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you right, It sounded like you said I needed to trigger one of her ticks." I said but Jane didn't say anything and just looked at me. "ARE YOU CRAZY!?" I shouted but Jane just raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed in defeat. "Don't answer that..." "Look I know it's a lot to ask but it's the only way I can think of to help her." She said. "And what guarantee do I have that she wont kill me?" I asked as I leant against the counter. "I asked some of the others if they would help out and they all agreed so if she does attack you we'll be nearby to stop her." Jane said hoping to reassure me. "Who exactly agreed?" I asked seeing as I needed to know who exactly my life would be depending on should shit go south. "Jess, Jackie and Jill." She listed." "Wait, Jill!?" I said worried. "What?" Jane asked unsure of what the problem was. "How do we know Jill won't try to fuck with me? The last thing I need is her locking me in the room or something when Clockwork could possibly be having the biggest tick of her life." I protested. "I understand that but we will just have to trust her, for Clockworks sake." She said. "Fine. When are we doing this?" I asked. "Meet me outside of Clockworks room in 10 minutes." She said as she walked to the door. "Great...I'll see you there I guess" I said unenthusiastically. As I made my way back to my room I thought back to the other times Clockwork had a tick and realised that it usually resulted in her trying to borderline rape me. It didn't make sense because the others said she's dangerous although I guess she was in a certain way but not the way they meant. But that wasn't what I needed to worry about, the real issue was whether or not I could set her off and make it out in one piece.

It was time to meet with Jane and the others so I left my room and quietly made my way there. I noticed Jane, Jess and Jill whispering by one of the other rooms and walked up to them. "You took your time didn't you?" Jess said with the usual sass. "Sorry for wanting to live a little longer..." I retorted. "You'll be fine." Jane said trying to reassure me but I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Probably..." she then added. "Hehehe this is going to be fun." Jill said as she giggled with excitement. "Jill don't do anything stupid, we're doing this to help Clockwork not for entertainment." Jane warned. "You're no fun." Jill pouted. "Don't worry Jill, watching this Jackass run around like a headless chicken will be entertaining enough as it is." Jess teased. "Stop it Jess we're here to back him up." Jane said trying to keep everyone focused. "Exactly." "By the way, what's your plan to make her tick?" Jane asked. "Uhhh I thought you was coming up with the plan." Jane looked at me in disbelief then held her head in her hand as she let out a deep sigh. "Why not give her another smooch? It worked like a charm last time." Jill teased whilst puckering her lips making me turn slightly red. "Yeah let me get right up close so when her tick kicks in I'm already within arm's reach, great idea..." I said with heavy sarcasm. "Actually that's not a bad idea." Jane said. "Say what now?" "That does seem like the quickest and easiest way to set her off." Jane said whilst Jess was stood there trying to stifle her laughter. I was still somewhat against the idea but it was to help Clockwork and kissing her wasn't so bad it's just I didn't want her to think badly of me once this was over. "Alright fine just make sure you're ready." I said as I turned and walked to Clockworks door. "Try not to die before we get there." Jess mocked with a grin. I took a deep breath then knocked on the door which was followed by brief silence. "Who is it?" clockwork asked suddenly asked. "It's me, can I come in? " the question was followed by more silence until she finally answered again. "Yea... it's open." She said. I was beginning to understand what Jane meant, the way she talked was as if she's in a daze. I opened the door and peeked inside, making sure it was safe before I entered.

I'm pretty sure this is what 99% of you want to do to me for taking so long

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I'm pretty sure this is what 99% of you want to do to me for taking so long

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