The rematch

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3rd person pov

Y/n woke up the following morning still roughed up by Benny's relentless beatings from the previous day but it wasn't anything he couldn't live with. Although, it's more like he had to live with it as today was the day for his rematch against Jess and he couldn't let anything distract him otherwise the fight would be over before it even started. He realised he never actually planned a time for their fight so he would need to find her and a discuss one. And it was still early in the morning so Y/n knew he wouldn't have to fight her for at least a couple of hours so he had time to prepare. Once Y/n was out of bed and ready he made his way downstairs to grab breakfast hoping to find Jess along the way. As he entered the kitchen he was met with Benny, Clockwork, Slenda and Angel. Everyone greeted him although Benny did so begrudgingly clearly still bitter about yesterday's events which Y/n found slightly funny as it was a side of her which he rarely got to see.

Y/n Pov

"Does anyone know where I could find Jess? I need to talk to her about our rematch." I asked as I started making something to eat. "A rematch? You can't be serious?" Slenda asked with a raised eyebrow...if she had one that is "Oh my god you're actually going to fight her again?! I've got to see this!" Angel laughed nearly choking on her breakfast. "Uhhhh Yeh I want to see if I've improved at all and since she's the first person I fought I figured that she would be the best person to fight. That and I really want some payback..." I pointed out while muttering the last part. "Honestly, I thought you would be smarter than to pick another fight with her." Slenda said shaking her head in disbelief. "Hey! It's not like I plan to just let her smack me about!" I retorted. "I don't think you're going to get a say in that." Benny added suddenly seeming to perk up at the idea of me fighting Jess. As much as I wanted to argue a part of me agreed with her... "Whatever, can you tell me where she is? I asked as I finished making my sandwich. "I-I think I saw her in the gym earlier." Clockwork said shyly which seemed odd but I decided to go with it. "Thanks Clockwork. How are you feeling after yesterday?" I asked thinking back to the whole fiasco which caught her by surprise and made her blush a bit. "Oh uhhhh I-I'm fine now. T-Thanks for asking..." she said as she fidgeted in her seat. "Thats good, if you ever want to talk just ask." I said which Clockwork nodded to in response. "I'll see you guys later."

They all said their farewells as I left the room and made my way to the gym in search of Jess. When I looked inside I found exactly who I was looking for but things weren't looking good for me. Jess seemed really pumped as she pulverised the punching bag delivering punch after punch and kick after kick in a fluid motion. "I'm beginning to regret my decision... No! I'm a man, I can't back out now!" I thought trying to pump myself up. I finally entered the gym and called out to Jess. "Hey Jess!" She quickly turns to me and I noticed a small smirk appear "Looks like you didn't chicken out then. That's a shame I was looking forward to calling you chicken shit if you did, it would have suited you perfectly!" she said wittily "Ha ha very funny but too bad for you I'm here and I plan to follow through." "What, you're so scared that you're gonna shit yourself?" Jess joked "No, I didn't me follow through as in- *sigh* whatever, do you want to start the match in hour from now?" "Sounds good to me, but don't try running because I'll find you and I will kill you..." she said menacingly." I want to take that as a joke but I can tell it isn't..." "You could always try testing me." she said with a creepy smile. "I may be stupid enough to ask for another fight but I'm not stupid enough to do that..." "Oh well can't say I didn't try." she shrugged as she turned back to the punching bag and continued pulverising it.

As she did I left and went to get ready for the rematch. This time I wanted to change my attire to better suit a fight. I decided to wear shorts that go down to my knees and a sleeveless shirt, I didn't want to wear anything restrictive when every move I make could be the difference between winning and losing. An hour had finally passed and after I had finished warming up in my room I made my way down to the gym. When I went inside I stopped in my tracks as I saw everyone stood around the ring. "About damn time!" Angel shouted. "What's everyone doing here?!" I asked as I approached the ring. "We're here to watch the fight." Slenda stated. "Ah, you mean beating." Jess corrected with a sly grin. "You're just full of jokes today aren't you..." "We'll see if I was joking once the match is over." Jess said confidently. As I began to get the sparring gear on I could feel my heart beat harder and harder as the adrenaline pumped through my body. I wasn't even in the ring yet but I could already feel the pressure and the audience didn't help either.

3rd person pov

As Y/n was getting into the ring the others began to talk about who will win or more like how long he will last. "Hey Jackie, how do you think he'll do?" Jill asked. "Why're you asking me?" Jackie replied. "Well you was the last person to train with him so you would probably have the best idea of how strong he is, right?" Jill questioned. "He has some potential. At first when we started fighting he was ok at best but as we kept fighting he kept throwing in new moves and trying different tactics and even picked up on some of my moves and tried mimicking them." Jackie explained. "Seriously? This fight might be even more interesting than I thought~" Jill said with an excited smile. Y/n did his final warm-up in the ring and got ready as Jess did the same. "Ready?" Slenda began to which both Y/n and Jess nodded. "Begin!" she shouted and wasting no time Y/n rushed in. Every punch and kick he made was on target but Jess effortlessly blocked and dodged like it was child's play. "Is this it? I was expecting so much more." she said cockily but Y/n didn't react and kept attacking. Suddenly he broke his attack pattern and leapt in close catching Jess by surprise as he bent his arm and swung his elbow straight for Jess's face, grazing her cheek and knocking her back. "Holy shit he got her!" Jane shouted in disbelief "Jackie what did you teach him?!" Benny asked. "That's not something I taught him, he never used a move like that against me." Jackie quickly replied. Not giving Jess an opportunity to breathe Y/n closed the distance again and continued to pressure Jess. But she had enough, her cocky and witty mood was quickly replaced by anger and blood lust and the others could sense it.

"That's not good, shouldn't we stop her?" Angel asked Slenda. "If things get out of hand I'll step in." she stated without shifting her gaze from the fight. "If you say so..." Angel replied. Jess ducked under Y/n's punch and aimed to drive her knuckles into his lower jaw with everything she had but fell short as he managed to block her punch using his arm to redirect it. He followed up with his own punch but Jess did the same. Y/n was giving it everything he had and only managed to land a single blow so far which was something but it wasn't going to win him the fight. He knew had to kick it up a notch if he wanted to stand a chance of winning. But before he could make his next move Jess took the chance to unload her own onslaught of attacks leaving few openings for Y/n to counter. Unlike his attacks there was no wasted movement and every punch and kick hit like a truck. So far Y/n was doing well against Jess with what little training he had but her skill and experience exceeded his and it showed. She always managed to find an opening and slowly chipped away at his stamina. Hoping to turn the tables Y/n dodged her last punch and went in with a feint but she saw through it and winded him. He quickly moved back and put up his guard as he tried to recover his breath. "What's the date?" Jill asked clockwork nonchalantly. "Huh? February 20th, why'd you ask?" Clockwork responded. "I just wanted to know what date we had to put on his tombstone when Jess kills him." She said with a cheeky grin. "That's not funny Jill...." Clockwork replied unamused by her joke. When Clockwork said that Slenda noticed Y/n lose focus and freeze up which sadly Jess noticed as well and took the opportunity to strike. Jess went straight for a roundhouse kick which snapped Y/n out of his trance but he didn't have enough time to properly block allowing the hit to still partially connect knocking him out and leaving Jess victorious.

"Looks like I win again." Jess saidlowering her guard. "What happened!? He was doing so well!" Angel shoutedsurprised at the sudden outcome. "I'm done here, you guys can sort him outI'm going to wash up." Jess stated as she removed the equipment and beganto leave seemingly unpleased by the result. Slenda pulled Y/n out of the ringand let Ann check him over. "He's fine he's just unconscious, it lookslike he managed to block the worst of the hit." Ann explained which theothers were relieved to hear. "Alright everyone shows over. You can talkto him about it when he wakes up but for now let me and Ann take him back tohis room and fix him up." Slenda stated which everyone took as their cueto leave. "Why did he freeze up whenClockwork mentioned the date?" Slenda thought as she and Ann took Y/n backto his room.

Tell me what you think of the action in this chapter. Personaly I think it turned out alright but it was kind of tricky to go about writing so comments about it are appreciated. And I dont know if I made it so that you got too strong too fast but again tell me what you thought of it. And if anyone has some ideas on how I can go about writing better action scenes then I'd really like to hear them.

Thanks for reading and I will see you all in the next one!

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