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I was dreaming. I was dreaming that I’m in a forest. I’m standing with a crying girl. She’s wearing a school uniform; we have the same hair color, brown. And she’s quite younger than me. I tried to look at her face but she’s covering it with her hands. Suddenly, three young girls came. The one is Asian, she have short black hair that quite suits her mean eyes and beige Southeast Asian color. She have two accompanies, a brunette girl with long straight hair and a young scared blond girl whom I think doesn’t really look mean. She looked scared for what their what-they-called-leader was doing.                                                         

“What are you crying for? He won’t love you! For Pete’s sake!” the Asian girl shouted. “He will Never like you!” she brutally exclaimed while walking near the girl.

“Stop this madness!” I shouted. But no one seems to hear any of what I’ve said. It felt like I’m just watching a movie. “You girls stop this!” I said while I’m between of them two. Then the Asian girl abruptly slapped her

“You bitch shouldn’t be in my presence!” the Asian girl said.

          “You will be never liked!” The girl replied. “You should pay for what you’ve done to me!” she cursed and she turned away and run to the woods.

          “Fine for whatever you say.” The Asian girl said. “Come on girls. We have to sleep early for our cheering competition!” She happily skipped and they all walked away returning from where they’re from. Then a horrifying scream occurs. They all turn around looked for what happened but the sound’s from far away.                             

          I felt vicious and my blood started to run up to my head. I know it’s the girl. It is the young lady who ran away. What might have happened to her? Was she okay? But I started to get dizzy until I fell down to the leaves. 

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