Chapter 18

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The blonde girl extended her perfectly manicured to hand towards me. She was everything I wasn't; he had obviously brought her here to rub her in my face.

"Mel, this is my sister" Harry said calmly, he apparently could still read my face like a book.

I exhaled and extended my hands towards hers, sister, just his sister, not a big deal. "Nice to meet you, I'm Melody but I'm guessing you already knew that, come in please."

I swung the door open wider and stepped back giving them room to enter the main room. Gemma walked past giving me another smile. Harry slowly ambled into the room and he let his fingers brush my loose hand as he walked by, flashing that dimple that I had missed so much. Why the hell had he brought her here, there was so much we needed to discuss, just us.

I pushed the door closed and took a deep breath before turning around with a big smile on my face. "I have water and maybe tea...I haven't exactly been home in a while, but I could w-"

"Mel, calm down. Come sit, let's chat yeah?"

His voice instantly brought me back to Earth. I gave a nod and took a seat next Gemma, across from Harry. I noticed that Gemma's fingers were fiddling with the edge of her skirt; she was almost as nervous as I was I think.

"So Gemma are you visiting or..?"

"Visiting, yeah. I just finished university and so I decided to come see Hazza for a little while before I start my real job. Mum made me, but I didn't tell him that" she laughed giving Harry a side glance and then offered me a small wink.

He rolled his eyes at the two of us becoming fast friends. I liked her already she was normal and relaxed. I don't know why I expected anything different from a Styles.

"Mel, could I visit the lou please" Gemma said interrupting the laughter and crossing her knees like a child to indicate she had to pee.

"Sure thing dear. It's up the stairs and first door on the right. I don't know how clean it is, I sh-"

"I'm sure its fine, thanks," she said politely exiting the room and heading up the stairs.

The room filled with sexual tension and unanswered questions, now I understood why he had brought her, to try and avoid this so soon.

"So, how are you? I am sorry I didn't vis-"

"I told you to leave, I didn't expect you to visit. Not going to lie, I wish you would have. I missed you Harry, I really did."

A small smile filled his face, and I knew he felt the same way."It was just so much. I had no idea what I was getting into and I was ju-"

We were interrupted by footsteps coming down the stairs and Gemma's bright face appearing around the corner. I knew nothing but her name and I absolutely adored her, she was just one of those people.

"Hey Harry, mum just rang while I was upstairs, she is down the street at some shop and wants me to come meet her. So, I'll see you back at your apartment yeah?"

Harry hardly had time to answer her with this quizzical look on face before she had waved me a quick goodbye and was out of the door.

"Why do you look so confused" I asked him with a chuckle.

"My mum is still in Holmes Chapel" he laughed and shook his head. Gemma had done this on purpose, no wonder she bolted out of here so quickly before Harry was able to start asking questions.

"Well then, I guess she wanted us to talk or maybe my bathroom really was as disgusting as I remember it."

I laughed quietly to myself and then the awkward silence returned to the room. I began fiddling with the ends of my hair, trying not to leap across the room and kiss his lips off of his face.

"Mel, we're gonna have to talk about whatever this is at some point you know? And about what happened. You could have died. We all could have died."

I looked up at him slowly, he was genuinely concerned about my well being and the well being of my friends, but I didn't know what to say. Even after all the therapy and discussion, I still didn't know how to say what I thought or felt, at least not to him, not like I used to.

"I am honestly sorry for putting you and Ed and Niall and my friends in danger, I forget that not everyone is used to being in such situations. I didn't want you to have to see me like that, ever. That's why I made you leave, before you got hurt even more than you already were. I never wanted to hurt you, I love you for Christ sakes."

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