"Do you need help?"

I freeze and turn around making eye contact with Dean. "No."

"You look like you need help." He says grabbing my bag which is not even heavy.

"Not that kind of help." I mumble.


"Nothing. I said I don't need help. It's not even heavy." I snatch it out of his hands.

"Why're you here?"

"Why do you think? Because I had already told Randy I'd come. Don't even think it's because of you."

"I - I -"


"Aj just -"

"Just don't. I don't want to hear it."

"Babe!" Layla calls from downstairs.

"You better go your girlfriend is calling."

He looks at me then turns his head to the stairs. Layla calls again and I'm hoping he doesn't go to her but of course he does.

Once again I'm let down.

He keeps letting me down and I still foolishly hold on to him.


"The pizza is delicious." Randy comments wiping his mouth.

"It really is." Roman adds.

"You don't like the pizza, Aj?" Layla asks me.

It bothers me how she talks to me like we're best friends or something. There's something awfully fake about her tone.

She's trying so hard to not slit my throat I can feel it just by her gaze. But she's somehow managing to keep it all bottled inside.

Unfortunately, for me I'm not that good at hiding my emotions. I'm literally breaking apart right this seconds.

It's just so painful to watch Dean sit beside her. And although he's not showing her any affection it hurts to see him beside her.

He should be beside me.

He should be eating pizza next to me.

His arm should be touching mine.

He should be with me.

"I'm not hungry." I say staring at the pizza on my plate.

"Don't tell me you're like on a diet or something?" She scoffs.

"No. I'm just not hungry right this second."

"Can I have it then?" Randy asks who's sitting next to me.

I nod my head and he smiles at me sweetly. "Aww! Babe they're so cute aren't they?" Layla asks Dean.

The pet name "babe" makes me super uncomfortable. Especially because he's calling Dean that. It makes me sicker by the second.

"Super cute!" Nikki says.

I give Nikki a glance to which she shrugs. "Anyways, should we talk about tomorrow's plans? I think we should go to the beach." Brie says changing the topic.

"Oh yeah! My dad owns a boat and he can let us borrow it. We could go out to the ocean." Layla gushes.

I look down at my fingers and make no comment. I'm just ready for this awful weekend to be over.

"That sounds like fun." Seth says cheerfully.

"It's going to be super fun!"

Neither Dean or I make any comments.

Throughout the whole dinner I stay silent. After the cleaning I decide to go upstairs to shower.

What I need right now is a long shower and sleep. The only way I seem to find a little peace is by sleeping.

When I get in the bathroom I realized I forgot my shampoo in the room. I wrap a towel around my body and open the door.

As soon as I open the door I feel someone push my back inside locking the door.

"We need to talk."


unedited :c sowwieeeee. i'll edit it later okayyy? thx for reading, voting, and commenting. much luv xoxoxo ;*

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