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Tori POV

"Pam....you still love me" "Uh no Greg I was talking about a different Greg." Pam tries to lie. "Look Gre-" I start but ik interrupted by Greg kissing Pam. Logan and Jake come up to us and their jaw are dropped! "Mom. D-dad" Logan starts "Pamela. Used to be Paul but I guess gay ass Stepnick. Would you do me the honor of being my wife again" he takes a ring out of his pocket "The old ring you still have it" Pam says and tears up "Of course. It's my good luck charm. Now would you marry me" Greg responds "YES" Pam says crying "January?" Greg asks "Yep" Pam laughs. Jake and Logan start to cry "Are you guys actually" Jake says I nod. They all hug eachother "WE ARE GONNA BE A FAMILY AGAIN" Logan and Jake scream "That's all I ever wanted" Logan says I stand awkwardly near them but this touches my heart. I start to tear up. Logan looks at me and signals me to come over I give him the 'Are you crazy' look he gives me the 'No shit sherlock' I giggle a little and head in. "Wow. The Pauls are back. With a new edition" Jake says causing us to laugh. "Maybe another soon" I hear Jake mumble and he looks at Alissa. "Hey. Go get her tiger" I whisper to him "Really. Banks is over there" "Jake. She looks uncomfortable and she's not in any short sleeves. I'll cover him okay. Right when I lead him here make your move" I say. He nods and thays when the plan starts.

I go over to Ricky and Alissa "Hey Lissa!" I say hugging her "Hey Tori!" She replies hugging back tightly "Goodluck" I whisper in her ear. She's extremely confused I look at Ricky "YO wanna talk with me and Logan. We've always wanted a 2 on 1 talk. I need to know if my daughter is being properly taken care of!" I say un suspiciously. "Sure whatever." He replies, I lead him to where Logan and I were and talk to him about random things.

Jake POV

Tori makes 'the signal' and I move in. I sneak behind Alissa and tap her shoulder she turns around shocked "Lis- Alissa can we uh talk." I ask looking down "S-sure" "Alissa. I still loved you I can't get over you and I won't. I want you. No. I need you. It hurts to see you out the house and not with me everyday. Walking out the room passing yours just knowing you were mine. Now whenever I walk past it all it is, is tears, heartbreak, and we'll hurt. So Alissa Marie Violet. Would you be my girlfriend again." I pour out. She starts to cry "Yeah!" I hug her and she winced. I look at her "Wait. Jake. I love you and I always will. When you kicked me out. I was. Shocked. To see me lose the love of my life. But maybe we shouldn't but. I don't know! You cheated. A lot. I don't want to see that. Please. F-for me at least. I want to love and trust you." She says. "I promise. And if I break it you can burn me with a lighter for 3 seconds" "woah woah hell no. I wouldn't bring myself to do that or forgive myself Jakey" She covers her mouth after she says jakey "It's okay" I assure. She smiles. I lift the side of her shirt a little revealing scratches and bruises. Recent ones too. She starts to cry and I hold her "It's okay baby. He doesn't have you anymore. I'll protect you with my life" I whisper I'm her ear kissing her cheeck afterwards. "Oh no! Jake I'm cheating on you I have to break up with Ricky. He's gonna hurt me" She sobs quietly "Baby. Logan and I are there. He won't lay a finger on you" I assure. She nods and we head off to tell Ricky she grasps onto my hand and I feel like she's blushing. She has her head turned "Hey Lissa" I say trying to make her head turn "Yeah J-Jakey" She says still having her head turned. I take my finger and turn her head over to me. She's blushing. Hard. Aww she's so cute when she blushes. "Thanks" She says blushing harder. I feel myself blush "I said that out loud!" I ask "Yup" She says popping the p. I laugh and she giggles. I slowly lean in and she does too. "ALISSA! GET THE HELL OVER HERE" I hear someone say. We turn to see Ricky "NO I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU. ALL YOU DO IS TREAT ME LIKE SHIT. AND HIT ME. GO AWAY FOREVER" Alissa shouts. I hold her close to me as Ricky attempt to come over but Logan stops him "Just leave her be." Logan says. Ricky punches Logan in the face and Tori snaps. Like she's gonna kill him.

Tori POV

WHAT THE FUCK DID RICKY DO! HE PUNCHED MY LOGAN IN THE FACE OH HE'S FUCKING DEAD. I felt myself going insane. "DON'T TOUCH MY FUCKING FIANCÉ" I scream and tackle Ricky to the ground "TORI THE BABY" I hear people say. He won't lay a finger on me I have him on the floor punching him repeatedly he's almost knocked out. All he did was slap me in the face after Logan just woke up and then Logan picked me up off of him gently and went at Ricky. Ricky finally was locked out and Logan engulfs me in a hug "Did they hurt you guys" he says "Huh?" I say confused "You and the baby" he says I smile "No we are okay." I blush. He kisses me, a long sweet passionate kiss. Until we hear a cough "GET A ROOM" it was Jadyn "GET A TAMPON" I fire back. "GET A PAD" She replies "I'M PREGGO DON'T NEED IT" "dammit" I hear her mutter "YEAH SIT DOWN HA ASSWIPE" everyone laughs and she comes up to me and hugs me. We turn to see Alissa and Jake kissing "WOOOOOO" everyone shouts. They pull away blushing and everyone laughs. "Y'all are adorable" I say. "Pfff you and Logan are friken the best ship ever made" Alissa responds "Aww we try" I laugh. Everyone heads home and it'd pretty late, well 5:38 Logan finishes editing. He Lays down with me as I'm drifting off "Love you Tori. Love you peanut" he says kissing my cheeck and kissing my stomach. I blush "Love you too Logie" I bury myself into him smelling his cologne. With that we drift off.

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