CHIPOTLE *not a sponsor lmao*

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Logan and I start heading back. "Hey Tori" he asks while having his hands in his pocket "Hey Logan" he chuckled "You know youtube right?" "No" I say sarcastically. He playfully punched my shoulder "well what about it" I ask "you should start a channel" I start to laugh, so hard I get on my knees and I start to feel tears coming out, Logan looked at me "you okay there??" I finally settle down and playfully shove him "Dude you're hilarious. Wow I haven't laughed like this in ages." We both start to chuckle, we reach the door "M'lady" Logan runs up to the door and opens it for me "thank you kind gentlemen" I say giggling. We walk in laughing "Where were you two" Anthony asks smirking "a place" I say looking at him confused. "Doing what" Anthony follows "talking" Logan and I say then we laugh "okay love birds" Chance mumbles "huh?" I say looking at Chance "nooothinggg" he replies "okay den" I say walking to the couch "Oh yeah guys I'm hungry" I say flying onto the couch "hmmm Chipotle?" Jake says getting on his phone "what's that" I say actually confused. Everyone looks at me "Tori you're joking right hahaha" Tessa says "nope" I say looking even more confused then ever. "JAKE HURRY WITH THAT THIS WOMEN NEEDS CHIPOTLE" Logan says racing to Jake "Y'all are unhealthy" I say laughing and turning the TV on "PEPPA PIG" Jadyn and I scream she jumps over to the couch and everyone bursts into laughter "SHHH I WANNA WATCH MY PEPPA PIG" I scream. I could hear people giggling. When ever peppa snorts I like to *SNORTTTTTT* Jadyn looks at me "I can go louder" She says and snorts "pfff that's easy to beat" I say and snort really loud then I instantly start laughing because my nose starts to tickle. "Ladies ladies we all know I can snort the loudest" Logan butts in "HAHAH YOU'RE FUNNY" I say looking at Logan like I'm about to murder him he snorts the we all start laughing "okay okay but you can't beat this one" I say and I snort really loud which ends up me choking on saliva "okay we found our victor" Jadyn says holding my hands up we all start laughing. She grips my wrist and I wince everyone looks at me "Dude she has a strong grip Jadyn do you lift bro?!" I say trying to cover up "no I don't my grip has always been like this" She says looking at me confused. "Oh okay. Let's just watch Peppa" Jadyn grabs my hand and we head downstairs "Guys we'll be back we have to handle a girl situation" Jadyn said "OH NO BLOODY MARY CAME UP GUYS SHE'S GONNA BE GRUMPY" I say horrified she playfully punches me and everyone starts to laugh. She leads us into Jake's room and locks the bathroom door, "reveal your arm" She demands I lift my arm "Tori make this easy" She said sighing "fine" I say "JADYN LOOK THE SHOWER IT HAS LOGANS FACE ON IT" I start dying and I run downstairs. "TORI!" She screams "uhm what'd that about" Logan questions I quickly think "bloody Mary is being summoned" I say looking scared. We all start laughing then we hear the doorbell "CHIPOTLE" Jadyn screams and rushes down the stairs, she accidently trips and Anthony catches her, they stare into eachother's eyes then we open the door they break apart all awkward like. "Okay den" him and Jadyn mumble I could see Jadyn blushing so I say "DICK IS GOOD" so she can laugh so it seems like she went red because of that. "You had dick before?" Jake says looking at me "no dad I just felt like saying that there was an awkward silence so I went YOLO and said dick is good" they all busted out laughing and for some reason I could feel myself blushing "Hold on brb" I head to the bathroom "why the hell am I blushing" I say examining my face I then see blood dripping from my arm "Oh shit" I say "HUH TORI HURRY" I hear Logan scream "I'M TAKING A PISS WAIT" I say cleaning everything and getting a new bandage and flushing the old one. I walk out and everyone is hidden "Oh hell no don't pop out I get violent!" I say I walk to the kitchen "BOO" Everyone says I don't scream or move. The only movement I do is slap Chance "Sorry Chance! Just a reflex" I say sweating a bit "all good plus I deserved that" we all laugh. I take a fork and did into the Chipotle everyone is recording, I place it in my mouth and I scrunch my nose "you-" Erika starts "THIS IS MAGICAL" I scream and start devouring everything. Then we all started partying a but more Jake was about to bring in liquor till I stopped him. "Fine you're no fun" Jake said pouting "well how about truth or dare" Anthony suggests "I'm down" Logan,Jake,Jadyn,and I say and we all start to laugh. We gather around in a circle and I get a but nervous. "Okay who's gonna start" Jadyn says "I will!" Tessa says "hmmmmmm Chance Truth or Dare" She says having a sparkle in her eyes "Truth" he replies "Is it true you used to have a crush on Jenna, Anthony's sister" She asks "Uhhh pfff" he says "now look who's stuttering" I say playfully leaning to punch his shoulder "fine yeah" he said looking away from everyone, we all start to laugh "bro you like my sister?!" Anthony says all disgusted like "I know right" I reply "fine Tori truth or dare" Chance asks "welp we all know I'm a dare-devil over here so dare" he thinks for a moment "I dare you to close your eyes and someone will kiss you for 30 seconds, you rate it out of 10 and you guess. Then we will reveal who. If you guess wrong 3 times you go skinny dipping" Chance says "damn how specific" I say "just close your eyes" Anthony says. I close my eyes but if they didn't know if u can't see and I'm being surprised I will NOT stop laughing so this is gonna be difficult..... as they are picking I start laughing uncontrollably "are you peeking" Erika asks "n-n-no I can't stop laughing be-be" I say in between laughs while Logan cuts me off "whenever she is gonna get surprised and she knows it but not when it's coming she CAN'T stop laughing no matter what" I start laughing so hard I feel tears. Then I feel someone just smash their lips of mine. I start to recognize this kiss, it feels passionate, loving, protective, and all magical like. 30 seconds stop "you can open now" Chance says "I have only kissed on person in my life. This feels so recognizable. The only person I've kissed in here is. Logan? So imma say 9/10 because that felt pretty magical and all. So I'm gonna guess uhmmm. Okay Chance looks like he'll do tongue stariaght away. Jake he looks like he'd just smash his lips then get all feisty so do you Tony. So I'm guessing Logie??" I say all nervous "Yepp dayum you're good" Jadyn says "HELL YE- oh wow this isn't gonna get awkward at allllll" I say laughing nervously "Oh well we can manage" I say. "Okay hmmmmmm Erika truth or dare" I say "hmm dare" I dare you to go skinny dipping with" I get up and grab an empty beer bottle and place it in the middle "with whoever it lands on" I start to spin it and it lands on..

Right From The Start|Logan Paul Fanfic[COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें