Chapter Twenty Eight- Tamara

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"Tamara dear," She spoke with false sweetness that made filled me with rage, "How about you come out?" She stuck a key in the lock of the cell and turned it. With a click the padlock fell to the floor and the door swung open. Knowing I had no choice I stood. My head ached and made the world spin.

"You know if you wanted me to walk you shouldn't have had me hit in the head with a baseball bat." I grimaced and grasped the wall with all of my strength.

"But then you could run from me," Her voice was laced with humor, she liked my pain, "And a chase isn't what I want. I want a fight." She walked to a table next to a wall. Picking up two knives, she slid one across the floor to me. Leaning over slowly, I picked it up off the floor. It was heavier than I expected.

"You know this isn't quite fair," I laughed dryly, "A teenage girl against a infamous gang leader. I wouldn't call this a fair fight."

"I don't want it to be fair," She growled, "I want to kill the person who betrayed me. I want you to die by my hands." She sounded insane, or even more insane than when I was a child.

"What drove you to this?" I had to know even if I was going to die, "I only remember you vaguely, but I know you would never let someone as insignificant as me get under your skin. What happened to you? Why are you being so weak?"

"I am never weak," She snarled shoving me down to the floor. My head started spinning, but I knew I couldn't give up.

"Then why are so upset?" I teased, "Are you letting this sweet eighteen year old get to you? Did I hurt your feelings?" I wanted to upset her. I wanted to anger her. It was my only shot at getting her to open up.

"You want to know why I'm upset?" She yelled loudly brandishing her knife, "It's because my own flesh and blood betrayed me in the worst way possible. You had a future in front of you. A future full of possibilities, and you destroyed it! You destroyed everything! Do you know what I had to do?! Do you know what people said to me?! People from the gang told me since I couldn't even handle a child I didn't deserve to lead! Do you know how many perfectly good soldiers I had to kill to get that respect back?! You ruined my life so I'm going to end yours!" She swung the knife down upon me, but I quickly rolled to the side; only getting nicked in the arm. Standing up quickly, I faced my mother with my knife in hand. I had nightmares about a moment like this. About having to face my ultimate fear, but in this moment it wasn't fear racing through my mind. It was adrenaline.

"You know I was happy for once, and I guess that's thanks to you." Despite all the pain she put me through I would've never met Eli without her. Without her I wouldn't have felt love, I would've spent my whole life living in Jay's shadow. It wouldn't be bad, but I'd never be where I am now, I wouldn't be happy.

"Don't think so highly of him," She scoffed, "What you saw in him wasn't faked. He's as much of a sadistic monster as I am. I've worked with him before. I have seen him hurt people without a second thought." I turned to look at Eli and saw him clinging to the bars. Fear resonated in his eyes, but despite his leg still bleeding, bringing him closer and closer to death, it wasn't fear for himself. It was fear for me.

The slashing of the knife near my face brought me back into the fight. She had the upper-hand. Any move I could make would result in her killing me. Was it worth it though? Was losing my life worth saving others from suffering her wrath? If she slashed her knife deep into my throat would the pain be worth the happiness of others? Looking back at Eli behind me, I felt hope that he could live a life without fear. The door to the warehouse swung open and I saw Jay's alarmed eyes. I knew he aimed to save me, but I had already decided. I swung my hand towards her neck and didn't stop until I felt it carve deep in her neck. 

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