Chapter Twenty Two

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"Do you think people can change?" Eli always asked me strange questions. I was never sure why, but my answers would sometimes bring peace into his eyes.

"Change in what way?" At that point I never questioned the things he asked me, I just tried to answer in the best way possible.

"Do you think someone can change from evil to good?" Eli seemed somewhat sad as he said this. It seemed as if he was admitting that he was evil. That he had a corrupted soul. That he was lost.

"Of course they can," Eli looked almost hopeful at these words, "I mean I don't believe one person could be truly evil. I have never seen one bad person that doesn't guilt rotting behind their eyes. Even if they have caused pain for their entire lifetime they still it's bad. They just don't know how to be better. So honestly, anyone can change because everyone feels guilt, and guilt makes you see what your doing wrong." I stopped, seeing Eli's eyes almost light up.

"You really think so?" Eli smiled sadly before looking down, "I'd like to change, but I'm not sure that I can."

"Why would you need to change?" Stretching my hand out, I forced Eli to meet my eyes, "Look at me," He looked up but refused to meet my eyes, "No, really look at me. You aren't a bad person. You did bad things, but for the right reason. You can't blame yourself for what has happened. If you do it'll only bring you pain. You have to let go of the past." Eli's mouth twitched into a sad half-smile.

"But what if my real pain lies in the future?" I will never forget the way he said that. The eerie sadness that echoed in his voice. Any normal person would've ran from someone who spoke with the loneliness that he did, but I didn't, and that was probably my mistake.

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