Chapter One

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My eyes opened slowly to the sound of rain hitting the windshield of a car. Immediately, I sat up, unsure of why I was here. Flitting my eyes around the car, the driver noticed I was awake.

"Hey there!" He said, I tried to identify who he was, but it was simply too dark to try, "I see you're finally awake. Well it's nice to meet you."

"W...Where am I?" I spoke slowly as if I never had before, "How did I get here?"

"Well, funny story," He laughed awkwardly trying to put off telling me, "Well... I found you unconscious on the side of the road, and you were really beat up. On top of that you were in the middle of nowhere, I couldn't even call the police. I figured that I couldn't leave you by yourself and I was planning on dropping you off at the next hospital I come across." He took his eyes off the road for a second, trying to see how I'd react.

"I was beat up?" I questioned before looking down at myself. Even in the dim light of the night I could see my clothing was stained a dark color, something I could only assume was blood. As I became aware of this I started to feel the stabbing pain in every part of my body. I felt like I had been hit by a truck.

"Yes, and I'd like to know the story if you feel like telling me later," He said, "My name is Eli and since this may be a long drive, may I know yours?"

"Of course," I said and thought for a moment. It didn't make sense. I knew English, I knew my situation right now was terrifying, and I knew someone wanted to hurt me, but despite searching deep in my mind, I didn't know my name. I didn't know who I was.

"Are you okay?" Eli's voice knocked me out of whatever state of shock I was in. Slowly I tried to find the words to define the situation I was in.

"I'm... I'm not really sure who I am," My words came out in broken sentences, stopping so much that they didn't seem to connect into sentences.

"What?!?" Eli slammed on the brakes and swerved to the side of the road so he could look at me, "You don't remember anything?"

"I know someone wants to hurt me," I said as fear washed over me. I felt this looming presence, like a predator stalking its prey, "I'm pretty sure he hunted me, or at least that's how I felt." I tried to shake off the fear, but it wouldn't fade.

"That's insane, you're insane," He slammed his forehead against the steering wheel of his car, "Great, I picked up an insane person."

"I'm an insane person with ears. So you don't have to be so rude." I glared at him, but he didn't seem to back down.

"Sorry," He said, "I don't have all that many friends so I just say the first thing that comes to mind, and well, you do sound insane."

"You're not making it any better," I hissed, ready to slap him in the face.

"Okay, fine," He turned to face forward again and pulled us back onto the road, "Check your pockets. Maybe you have a driver's license or something."

Reaching into my pockets I felt the corner of a plastic card. It felt cold from being inside of my bloodied pants. Looking at it I saw a girl's face staring at me from the photo. Strangely, I didn't recognise her. Was this me?

I pulled down the sun visor in the car, somehow knowing that there was a mirror underneath. Sure enough I saw the same girl staring back at me, but I didn't know her. I had no idea who this girl was. I was a stranger to even myself.

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