Chapter Twenty Five

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"Eli?" I stopped when the door slammed behind us, "Please tell me why." I couldn't see in the darkness of the stairway, but I could feel his breath on my face.

"That's none of your damn business," He snarled.

"I know, I know," I whimpered, "But please. Let me have some peace before you send me down there. Did... Did they make you?" Eli sighed harshly and even without seeing him I could tell he rolled his eyes.

"No," His voice was like brittle glass, "I did this because I chose to. Let it be know that I could probably kill just about everyone here if I wanted to, but why would I do that for you?" A chill ran down my spine as I realised just how capable Eli was of murder. He was strong, fast, and as I now know heartless.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I was flashed back into my nightmares. A single chair under the only source of light. Knives, matches, and all sorts of weapons were littered across the floor, some shiny and clean some still stained with blood.

"Hey Tammy," The voiced made my jaw clench. I never wanted to hear that voice again. "Eli told me that that's what they call you now. Eli leaned against the wall, a smug grin resting on his face. "Well, let us get started, shall we?" She picked up a knife of the floor. It was her favorite one. I remembered her doting over it when I was a child. She would polish it, clean it, and use it every time she got a new victim.

Locking eye with Eli, I felt her draw closer. I felt the cold metal touch my arm, but refused to look at it. Pain ricocheted through my body as I felt the knife go through my skin. Eli recoiled as if it was him that was being cut, but nothing broke his emotionless mask.

"Eli..." I gasped reaching my uninjured arm out towards him. Anguish seeped through his mask, but he stayed against the wall. This continued with knives, fire, hammers, and anything that would satisfy my mother's need for suffering.

"Eli won't save you, bitch. He volunteered to bring you here. After all his sister's last wish was for him to live, and he would never let her down again." My vision faded and tears rolled down my cheek. Why did I still love Eli?

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