Chapter Seven

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"Shit," Eli whispered under his breath, "Into the closet now," Eli was whispering, but his voice was harsh, urgent. Rushing I slipped myself into the small closet and curled up into a small ball. Slowly and almost silently, Eli shut the door and left me in the darkness. Intently I focused on what was happening outside.

"Eli hey," The man outside knew him, "We've got problems. You know that-"

"I'm done," Eli snapped, sounding enraged, "I told you I was done cleaning up after you guys! How dare you come and find me! I have every right to hurt you right here and now!" I shuttered, almost afraid of Eli. Why was he so angry? Why did I trust a man I hardly knew?

"You can't quit," The voice was angry, he sounded more afraid, "Eli what about all we've done for you." Eli laughed almost maniacally.

"All you've done for me? You're kidding, right? All you've done is hurt me and anyone close to me. You deserve what terrible fate you and the rest of your friends have coming."

"But we know you have Tamara! He wants her dead." The man cried.

"Too bad." Eli slammed the door and then opened the closet.

"W-w-who was that?" My voice shook slightly.

"An old friend," Eli said bitterly, "But we have to leave, now."

"Eli, what are you hiding from me?" I shrunk into the corner of the car seat, trying to hide from Eli's blazing eyes.

"Nothing that concerns you," Eli's spoke briefly, still fuming.

"You-You guys mentioned me though," I spoke shyly somehow unable to trust him. Suddenly Eli pulled to the side of the road and turned to face me. I avoided his eyes. "Look at me!" For a second I met his gaze, but then I pulled my eyes away, "Please Princess please look at me," Somehow he sounded closer to crying than losing his temper. Slowly I pulled my gaze to meet his.

"A-a-are y-you mad at m-me?" I felt a tear slip out of my eye as I realised that I couldn't trust the one person I now knew.

"No," Eli sounded calmer, "I just can't tell you how I know that man. I know that if I did you would hate me, and Princess?" He reached out and took my hands. "I promise I just want the best for you. Even if that means my own life won't be spared, because trust me when I say that you are in grave danger."

For awhile I wasn't sure how to respond, or perhaps I couldn't. Listening to Eli talk like I meant everything to him was amazing. I felt like the world revolved around me, which was selfish yet amazing. I longed to talk to him again, but I felt like I could never know what to say. Did I have a crush on him?

No, of course I didn't. I had only known him for two days. It was admiration. I just trusted him that was all. There was no way that this would be some kind of cliche romance novel. That's just not how life works.

"Thank you," I finally managed to say, "You don't know what it means to me that I can trust you. I'm unsure of everything in my life, except you. Thank you Eli."

"It's no problem," Eli didn't turn from the wheel.

"I will be curious about how you know that man though. I hope eventually you'll be able to trust me and you'll tell me." Eli smiled slightly.

"I'll tell you as soon as you can tell me who you are."

"I'm Tamara," I responded.

"But where are you from? Who are you family? Why were you lying beat up on the side of the road? What happened to you?" What happened to me? A phrase I had heard before, somewhere.

"Excuse me little miss, but what happened to you?" A police officer had asked me this when I was younger. I was stranded in an alleyway. Every part of my body hurt, but this felt normal.

"What do you mean?" I looked up at the man. Surely having cuts was normal or why would I always have them.

"How did you get so cut up?" He helped me to my feet and crouched down so he could look me in the eye, "Who would hurt such a cute little girl?"

"My family does this, but isn't it normal?" My little voice squeaked, leaving me in shock. What kind of family did I have?

"No sweetheart it isn't," The man talked with sympathy, but somehow that didn't get through to my little broken heart.

"My family says I'm not to go with strangers," I responded, "Even if they are with the police."

"That's silly," The policeman laughed, "Of course you can trust me." Those words did nothing though. Before he could stop me I ran away. I was a broken child.

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