Chapter Eight

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"Princess?" Eli didn't sound confused this time, just curious, "Was that a memory, or just you spacing out?"

"Memory," I spoke briefly thinking about what I just saw. Was that before or after the last memory? Thinking, I seemed to be able to place it before. I wasn't sure why but I just knew it had to be. I knew that what I saw wasn't normal. A child as hurt as me alone on the streets. I ran from policemen because I 'couldn't trust them'. I could feel the aching of every one of my muscles as I strained to move and yet I felt like that was normal for me.

"Well," Eli said impatiently, "What did you see?" I looked at him, staring straight into his blue eyes. I saw that even now in this moment of peace he had pain and guilt in his eyes. Even when he was doing nothing he still felt the pain of his childhood. Was that who I'd be? An empty shell that only feels pain from the past. That's not what I wanted to be.

"I saw a police officer," I started slowly trying to explain it fully, "He wanted me to go with him because I was hurt, but I didn't trust him. I told him no and ran away. I didn't trust anyone except my family, but my family hurt me." Even as I said these words I sounded confused, puzzled about what my childhood was like. Who was my family, and how did I get a new one?

"That's... That's very.. Odd," Eli chose his words carefully trying to not offend me, "Are you sure that your parents would do that? I thought in your last memory they were nice."

"Different people," I said quickly, "This memory happened before and the other one was when I met my new family, I think." I wanted to be sure of my memories, I wanted to know everything was facts, but I couldn't. I couldn't know anything. Would I ever?

Eventually we were set up in a different motel. The lights were off, but I couldn't sleep. The room was silent except Eli's heavy breathing.

"Eli?" I said hesitantly, "Are you awake?" I wanted to see him but I didn't dare to leave the safety of my covers.

"Yes Princess," Eli said gently. Listening to him I couldn't hear the angry man I heard before. It felt like I had heard a different person, or I had been in a different world.

"Why do you always look so sad?"

"Huh?" Eli sounded confused, "What do you mean? Why are you bringing this up now?"

"When I look into your eyes all I see is your sadness and guilt. Do you blame yourself for your sister's death?" Eli sighed sadly. Even in the dark I knew what his eyes looked like. Those clear blue eyes misty with tears as he tried to hold himself together.

"It is my fault though," Eli's voice shook, "I didn't stop myself from hurting her. I caused her to die.

"You can't hold on to this pain forever," I said, "Just know I will be here for you no matter what. Even if you tell me what happened to you I won't leave you because you're important to me. Even when I regain all of my memories that doesn't mean these ones will fade. I want to help you as you've helped me."

"Thank you," Eli spoke quietly almost shyly, "No one besides my sister has ever wanted to help me."

"Well I do," After I said this Eli was quiet. Minutes passed and neither of us said a thing, but it wasn't an awkward silence rather a peaceful one. Finally, I could sleep.

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