Chapter Twenty Six- Tamara

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Gasping, I pulled myself out of my memories. My heart was racing, the hair on my neck stood on end, and I felt more alive than ever.

"Are you okay?" Jay reached over and grabbed my shoulder, "Tammy, what's wrong?"

"I've... I made a mistake," I tried to speak clearly, but I was lost in my memories, "I know.. I know my mother, Maeva. I know how she thinks, and following that I know what's she's done. I left Eli and now she has him." I scanned the area around me frantically. I knew where I was, and I wasn't far. Jumping off the bench we were sitting on I raced along the sidewalk, my heart thumping wildly in my ears. This would either kill me or save Eli and whatever the outcome it was worth the risk.

"Tammy! Wait!" Jay shouted behind me, but nothing mattered more than finding Eli. I couldn't, no, wouldn't let him die. Even though he betrayed me he didn't deserve to die on my account. Where would she take him though? The house would be stupid, but that was the only place I knew to go. The only horrible memory I retained from the past.

Sprinting, I made it all the way to the house. It must have been the adrenaline because I was too scared to feel tired. The house was haunting especially after seeing those memories again so recently. I didn't care though it didn't seem to matter. In the back of my mind somewhere I was screaming and crying, rocking back and forth in a ball of self-pity, but that side of me was muted. I didn't need that kind of hurt, not now.

Swinging open the front door, I surprised to find it unlocked. Not lucky though. If I was lucky I would've tripped and fell long before I reached the house. I would've finally escaped this hell, my past, and left it all behind me. To do that I'd have to leave him, and nothing would be worth that. Even though he hurt me he deserves to atone for that by my hands, not Maeva's.

The house was empty. I figured it would be, but I needed somewhere to start. Digging around the house, I found a note. It was very much like the one I received when I was sixteen.


Eli will soon be dead if you don't come or find this

You were stupid to leave him alone.

I hope for Eli's sake that you show


Other than that the note was blank. No location, no hints, and no ways to save Eli.

"Dammit!" I shouted crumpling the note and throwing it to the floor, "Why does everything you do have to be a riddle with you mother? What's wrong with you!" Rage seemed like an understatement for what was boiling beneath my skin at that moment. My normally almost silent footsteps now sounded like the pounding of a drum. They perfectly matched my heartbeat pounding in my ears. That was my mistake. This unbridled anger.

Cold metal hit the back of my head. It had to have been a baseball bat, but frankly I wasn't conscious long enough to confirm that fact. Even though I had just got myself caught at least I was going to be taken to Eli.

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