50 freeze drive and kickass

41 11 7

Freeze drive kickass repeat

Lucas - riles Riley are you there

She only said to him

Riley - who is it who is she Lucas 

Her heart pounding  against  her chest

Lucas - I love you so much riles I  love you  and only you

She heard him she also heard her heartbreak little  by little

Riley - who is it just tell me please

She lived thru hell and didn't  want  to do it  again

Lucas - you are my girlfriend  my best friend 

She knew that  it would  get worse if she didn't know who it was because  her heart was broken a little

Riley - and you are mine but who is she

Tears falling from her face 

Lucas - Maya I  pushed her away  riles  I did I  love  you  so much 

Her heart drops when he said her name

Riley - I have to go

Riley hangs up

Topanga  - Riley  honey

She looks at her  mom told he

Riley - I'm  going home  to New York  early

Topanga  looks at her  daughter 

Topanga - is everything  OK honey

She wishes it was

Riley - No mommy No I'm  going  to  New York 

Tears in his eyes 

Topanga - honey you are crying  and I don't want you driven like this OK 

Riley  hated the  very  thought  of this the thought  that Lucas was kissed by somebody else  made her heart hurt

Riley - I'm going  home to New York 

She didn't  tell her mom what  happened  with  Lucas

Topanga - after you calm down  honey please

She wants to go to New York 

Riley - I'm going  back  now this is important

She calms down  and  grabs her keys going to her car

Topanga - Riley 

Riley drives away

Riley - how could  she do this I'm going to get her

Riley  was going to  home to get answers  No matter what

Living In Darkness Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now