39 at a lost for words

41 11 5

Getting ice cream 

Zoey  - hi  what can I get fir you 3 today 

Zoey smiles at them

Lucas  - c hocolate  for the lady sundae for the little guy and strawberry  for me  please 

Zoey nods going to get the ice cream  Lucas inew them long enough and well enough to know what kind of ice cream they like

Riley  - you are so cute

Auggie covers his eyes as they kis

Auggie  - are you done now please say yes

Riley and Lucas laugh

Riley and Lucas - we're done you are in the clear to look again

Moving his hands away from his eyes

Auggie - good 

Zoey was back with their ice cream

Zoey  - here you go

Handing over the  ice cream

Riley and Lucas and  Auggie  - thank you

Zoey thought they were so cute

Zoey - you're welcome

They sit down to enjoy the ice cream

Auggie - mm good

Auggie's ice cream was so good

Riley and Lucas - good

He looks at them

Auggie - so good the best

They take a bite of the ice cream

Riley and Lucas - mm it is  good

Auggie finishes the ice cream happily loving every bit of it

Auggie - I told you it was good

It was fun a good day until Lucas saw THE BASTARD CORY coming into the ice cream shop

Lucas - Riley Auggie  get  up don't look back just get up

Riley and Auggie  get up but they didn't know why

Riley and Auggie  - Lucas

He pays for the ice cream and leads them out using the  back way before they can be  seen

Riley  and Auggie - Lucas what's going on

They were now outside

Lucas - you're dad is back again I wanted us gone before he saw,

Riley and Auggie freeze

Riley and Auggie - Lucas

Hugging them

Lucas - I know that you are scared we are going to get back safe and sound and tell you're mom

Getting in the car and driving  back

Living In Darkness Rucas By Quanisha Pool Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora