32 Philadelphia Philadelphia

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Chris and Daisy and Lucas made it to Philadelphia and heading to Topanga's apartment knocking on the door

Topanga - coming

Topanga opens the door

Topanga - Chris Daisy Lucas hi come in

They do

All of them - we know Charlie is here where's Riley

Topanga sat down on the couch

Topanga - I know to Riley is picking up Auggie from baseball practice and I have been working on restraining order papers I won't let Charlie hurt my daughter

They knew how he was

All of them - we won't either

Riley came in the door with Auggie

Auggie - Lucas

Auggie ran to him and hugs him

Lucas - auggs

Riley couldn't believe it as she drops her bag by the door rushing to her boyfriend happily hugging him kissing him not caring who saw them

Riley - bearrrrrr

He laughs and kisses her passionately

Lucas - beannnnn

They didn't let go of each other

Auggie - well they missed each other a lot

All of them laugh

Riley - I'm so happy you're here yayyyyyyyyyyyy yayyyyyyyyyyyy yayyyyyyyyyyyy yayyyyyyyyyyyy yayyyyyyyyyyyy

He kisses her sweetly

Lucas - me too

Still holding on to each other

Riley - I'm happy but is everything OK back home

They nod

Lucas - we are here for you and the Gardener MESS we won't let him hurt you

Riley cuddles Lucas and he kisses her forehead sweetly

Riley - I love you cowboy

Her eyes sparkled at him so beautiful and bright

Lucas - I love you too princess

Philadelphia Philadelphia welcome the Friars

Auggie - I knew you would take care of my sister

Any time any place

Lucas - of course I will auggs

Auggie nods

Auggie - you're good Lucas Friar

Riley smiles at her little brother's words

Riley - yes he is

They leave Riley and Lucas alone

Riley - don't leave me cowboy

She whispers so quiet but he heard her as she said it

Lucas - never princess never

She was happy for the first time since being in Philadelphia and she never wanted Lucas to leave and he wanted the same

Chris and Daisy and Topanga - so cute and sweet

They knew that it would be hard when pulled apart again

Living In Darkness Rucas By Quanisha Pool Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt