27 packed boxes

76 12 5

Riley and Lucas are wrapped up in each other and Riley moves a little bit to get up

Lucas - riles princess where you going mm

She kisses him

Riley - I'll be back you sleep

He was trying to forget about her leaving

Lucas - if I sleep I'll wake up and you'll be gone not living here anymore and I am having a hard time with that

She put on his shirt

Riley - we will be fine I keep telling you that because it's true cowboy

He looks at her packed boxes around the room

Lucas - I hope so

He worries about her all the time and now she worries about him more

Riley - friar look at me

He looks at her

Lucas - riles it took us forever to get here and I don't want anything to get in the way of us

He confessed

Riley - hey we were friends first and we are not going to break up or anything like that I love you too much for that

She got up again

Lucas - I love you too as much as you love me

She knows that

Riley - I know

She left the room

Lucas - Riley

She ran downstairs into the kitchen for food

Riley - I'm hungry

He joined her shirtless walking into the kitchen wrapping his arms around her waist and Riley learning into him

Lucas - what do you want to eat

He looks in the refrigerator and Riley notices the picture on the door

Riley - eggs and aww really cute picture of you're parents

He looks at it

Lucas - oh yeah teenage  mom and dad this picture is a little while after finding out about me coming into the world but a little bit before they broke up they told me after they found it last week

Riley was in awe of them

Riley - beautiful how much they really love each other

Lucas nods

Lucas - yeah it is beautiful

Lucas knew that he loves Riley the same amount as his father loves his mother and vice versa

Riley - some loves last and you're parents love is one of them a ever lasting love even apart from each other

She amazed him

Lucas - you think we would last for years like that

She didn't see why not

Riley -  I do what about you do you think we could

He did

Lucas - I do but we would be Riley and Lucas while doing it we'll be us just the way we are

Of course they will

Riley - yes yes we will cowboy

Where are the parents anyway

Lucas - good princess

Lucas' phone rings

Riley - get it I'm good

He answers it

Lucas - hello dad how's Phoenix going

Chris is in Phoenix for a case and Daisy was working late tonight

Chris - hot how's Riley doing

Lucas sighs looking at Riley

Lucas - she's doing good and I'm trying to get her to stay

Chris laughs and laughs

Chris - son she's still with you No matter where she goes

Riley heard him

Riley - thank you I've been trying to tell him that

He smirks at her

Chris - you two are cute and stop worrying I'll make it I know it you already are son you already are I'll be back Friday love you son

He knows

Lucas - love you too

They hang up and  Riley and Lucas went back to cooking for the night

Living In Darkness Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now