41 my kind of crazy part 2

41 10 5

Chris and Topanga

Chris - Topanga  how do you want to do this it's you're  choice

She said to him

Topanga - I'm tried of feeling  like we always have  to run

He looks at her

Chris - are you  saying  what I think you're  saying

She never thought it would come  down to this

Topanga - I'm saying  if it comes to that yes I will protect

He never heard this from her before

Chris - I want you to know what  to expect  if it comes to that

Topanga stops him

Topanga - I would say I  know already  don't I it's our lives and his and if I  truly have to I will not  hesitate to choose  and end this all of it I know  what this means I  do

He won't  stop and if he won't  she will

Chris - I will get us back to our families Topanga I will that's a promise

One which he will always  keep

Topanga - I know Chris  I know

She looks  around  her

Chris - you ready to do this

Protect  be safe come back

Topanga - more than you'll ever know

He took  her word for it

Chris - OK let's  get to work

That they would

Topanga - let's do it

Daisy and the kids 

Daisy - come back whatever  you do come back to them

She whispers and looks  at Riley and Auggie  in the  backseat

Daisy  - they need you Topanga they need you

Daisy  pulls up into a driveway

Daisy - here we go

Daisy picks  up Auggie

Auggie - mm mm

He had been  crying

Daisy - I got ya don't worry

He held him and woke up  Lucas

Daisy  - luke honey

He stirs in his sleep

Daisy - luke hey oh sometimes you sleep and it's hard to  wake up

She smiles as she had a thought

Daisy  - I'm  making triple chocolate fudge cake

He loves his mother's  cakes

Lucas - I'm  up

She shakes  her head

Daisy - good  get  Riley

She was so peaceful  sleeping some nights she didn't  sleep so good

Lucas - princess

She stirs

Lucas  - riles baby wake up

She  cuddled him

Riley - mm mm

He kisses  her

Riley  - hi

Looking at her  in awe

Lucas  - hey sleep  good this time

She kisses him back

Riley - yes you  were with me  so I  slept  better then ever before thank you

Intertwining their  hands

Lucas - anything for you riles

This is one of the moments she loved having

Living In Darkness Rucas By Quanisha Pool Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz