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I'm sorry  for not updating as we   this book slept in his  arms before she starts to stir awake

Riley - No please don't hurt me

She mumbles

Lucas - Riley

She tosses and turns

Lucas - riles beautiful baby please it's OK princess wake up I'm here

Just then Topanga was the same way with Auggie

Auggie - I'm not going No stop it

Topanga heard him she ran in his room

Topanga - Auggie  baby wake up it's  mommy

With  Lucas

Lucas - he's  gone riles baby he's  gone

She stir

Riley - please

Lucas held her

Lucas - riles princess dancing sunshine if you can hear me wake up it's luke


Riley - Lucas

He heard her

Lucas - yes it's me

He became her achor and was happy to do so for her when she needs him

Topanga - I won't hurt you

The siblings woke up at the same time

Riley - Lucas

She kisses him

Auggie  - mommy

He hugs his mother tigthty

Topanga and Lucas - it's OK

Topanga checks on Riley

Topanga - how is my baby girl doing

Lucas looks at her

Lucas - she's been holding on to me which  I love so much how's Auggie

Topanga looks at Auggie

Topanga - he's been hugging me which I gladly accept

Riley opens her eyes

Riley - don't go I'm better when  you're here

He kisses her once more

Lucas - I'm not going anywhere princess

She melts into him

Riley - I love you so much

Topanga smiles

Topanga - thank you Lucas

Looking at Topanga

Lucas - for what

For everything

Topanga - being here loving  my daughter honey

He smiles

Lucas - you don't have to talk me for that I'll always  love  her no matter what

Riley heard him

Riley - I'll always love  you too maddog

She is his achor and he is hers

Living In Darkness Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now