Ch. 6 | Dangerous Waters

Start from the beginning

"Quite a scare you gave me," I heard a velvety soft voice speak to me, my heart pounded as I realized who it belonged to, and I looked up to see him sitting on the chair across from me. We were in grandmothers library, sitting next to the large fireplace. He had a large blanket wrapped around him as well.

"Why?" My voice cracked, and I cleared my throat, which was extreamly sore, I assumed it was from gulping the water when I fell.. "what happened?"

"You know how to get people hating you," he laughed, "is it some kind of superpower?"

I blushed, looking away. "Because I made you hate me?"

"Bella, I don't hate you.. I  just.." he trailed off, and i looked back at him.

"What? You just dont like me?" I shot back, my eyebrow raising at him as I frowned.

"Thats not it either, I just dont understand why you came here." He paused, shaking his head.

"What happened?" I asked again, ignoring the hurt that came with his words. He didn't want me here. I already knew that.

"Alecs ex girlfriend had been eyeing you all night, they've only been broken up for a few days, she got wasted and she was jealous, which I'm assuming was Alecs plan because when I hauled you out of that water they were all over each other." His voice turned sour at the end, and I guessed I knew the source of their strife and why they weren't friends.

I felt used and embarrassed, I understood suddenly the look of pity he gave me at the party.. he knew what was happening.. but, when he mentioned him pulling me out my eyes flashed back up to him.

"You saved me?" I questioned.

"Of course, a beautiful girl dying is certainly a tragedy." He replied quietly, not meeting my gaze. I couldn't have heard him right, I glanced down at his hand, which was tightly gripping the arm of his chair.

"I should go to bed," I whispered, unsure of what else to do, he nodded once and gestured me out. I walked calmly out of the room, but darted up over the stairs at full speed once I was sure Edward couldnt see or hear me.

I'm such a flipping fool.


The next morning I got showered before I headed downstairs. Usually there was someone around in the kitchen but there wasn't this morning.  It was eerily quiet as I poured up my cereal and sat down at the island, beginning to eat.

Thankfully, I wasnt alone long before Edward came in the door, wearing jogging pants and a sweater, there was sweat beading off his forehead, his headphones still in his ears, showing me he was just getting back from a run.

He offered me a polite but distant smile before sitting a couple seats down from me, taking his headphones out and shoving them into his pockets. He made quick work of pouring up a bowl of cereal and digging in, and we ate in silence for a while before we were joined.

"Hello, Grandmother." Edward said as she came into the kitchen.

"Edward." She murmered walking over to the counter. She froze suddenly, her eyes glued to the empty countertop.

"Where is it?" She finally asked, getting Edwards attention, he turned back to her. "Did you take it, Edward?"

He looked at the countertop and frowned once he realised what was missing, "no, I didn't take it Grandmother."

"Take what?" I asked, my eyes flicking back and forth between the two of them in confusion.

"Like you don't already know!" Grandmother spat at me, Edward tensed next to me.

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