The return

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A few months later we was rebuilding and I was slowly getting rid of grief. Today me and Evan was going to go baby clothes shopping with my mum.

    We got ready and set off to town and met with my mum. Evan picked a few babygros from mamas and papas and we bought a new moses basket too before we went to the red lion of lunch. After we had eaten we headed around town for a bit then my mum needed the toilet so we went up to them.

“I don't need it" Evan told me, brushing away my offer,

It was busy in the toilets so I told him to stay put as we went in. When we came back out he wasn't there. I started to panic but then I saw him stood in bhs and I went rushing over.

“Evan! Don't ever do that again" I rushed, hugging him,

“Sorry mummy, I didn't mean to scare you. I thought I saw daddy"

“Daddy? It's ok" I whispered.

   We went home and I was sat in the dining room, folding up some clothes from the washing line when I heard the front door click. Evan was upstairs and Lucky was asleep.

“Who's there?" I said sternly and then he walked in,

“What? What's happening?" I stammered, helplessly.

“Don't be scared Beth, it's me Connor" he whispered,

“No, this can't be happening. Your dead"

“I'm not Beth, I'm here"

I could hear footsteps then the call of, “mum are you ok?"

“I'm ok"

“Evan?" Connor whispered,

“Don't go near him"

Evan got to the bottom of the stairs, “dad?!" he hugged him so tight and that bought me to reality.

“Explain now" I told him and he did.

“I had to leave so quickly. My cousin in London has cancer, he got worse very quickly and I had to go to be with him. My twin took over for me because I couldn't tell you I was leaving in time, I'm so sorry"

“I thought you was dead Connor! Why didn't you tell me about your cousin?"

“I couldn't, I've been so scared"

“Your twin brother is dead" I whispered, somewhat softly to my other tone,

“I know"

“What are we going to do?"

“I don't know"

“I'm scared"

“I know" he held out his arms and I hesitated at first but then allowed myself to fall into them,

“How long was you gone?"

“A few months" he looked at my stomach, “boy or girl?"




“Mum what are we supposed to do? Everyone thinks dads dead" Evan whispered, walking over to me and slipping his hand though mind, giving it a tight squeeze,

“I don't know son, I don't know"

Plot twist! What should they do now? My friend Tèa helped me with this and I love it :-)

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