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I woke up early as I had had a pretty sleepless night, but I don't know why. I checked Facebook and suddenly my phone pinged with a message,

“Who's this?" I wondered aloud then opened the message, it was Connor.

One message from Connor-

Hi, do you want to meet up today? X

One message to Connor-

Sure, can't wait x

He replied instantly,

One message from Connor-

Cool, me neither x

We decided to meet up at Costa coffee in town at half past one. I didn't want to look to dressy so I put on a black pair of leggings and a thin dark blue top then straightened my hair and finally applied a small layer of make up. This consisted of brown-cream eye shadow, powder, small flick of mascara and a slick of skin colored lip gloss.

   It was eventually time to leave and I grabbed my car keys then walked out the house to the car. I got in my white fiesta and started the engine and drove to town. I parked up and when I began my walk into town the butterflies began in my stomach. As I got closer and saw Connor waiting outside the butterflies worsened. Why do I feel like this? Am I in love?

   He waved as he saw me and I waved back then when he was close enough he pulled me into a hug which made my heart race.

“Hi" I smiled as he pulled away,

“Hey, your looking nice"

“You can't say much"

“Shall we go?" he asked as I linked my arm through his and we walked in.

   He ordered a coffee while I ordered a hit chocolate then we found a table and sat down. We talked about my work, his college graduation and other stuff for a while before her turned to me and looked at me with a serious look,

“Beth, can I tell you something?"

“Yeah, sure" I replied looking straight into his heart melting eyes,

He took a deep breath and sighed then said “I'm having trouble with my girlfriend"

“Whats happened?"

“We just seem to be arguing a lot and we've got so many differences, I don't think its going to work out with her"

I took his hand across the table, “Connor, you have to do what you think is better for you both"

He sighed

“I know you love Charlotte but if you think its best to end it then I guess you should"

“I know"

He kept hold of my hand as we finished our drinks then we got up and left Costa and did some shopping. He picked me a new dress which was a deep purple maxi dress and I picked him a new white shirt and smart jeans then I drove him back home. He smiled that gorgeous smile he's always done then got out and walked to the door of his flat then I drove home to my house and tidied then relaxed in the bath.

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