4 - Dream -

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Jungkooks POV

I was walked through the park by myself. It was night time, there was a full moon and twinkling stars as they lit up the night sky. There was a cold breeze in the air as I felt the cold rush pass me as my hair flowed with it.

I kept on walking along the concrete path, the park was lit up with street lamps. Up ahead I saw a bridge and in the distance there was a man with a woman under the bridge. While I was approaching it I was able to see a glimpse of who those people are. There was some moon light that was able to show through the other side.

I got closer and saw it was Taehyung with Lisa. They were making out. The sight of it made me want to throw up. My heart ached, my blood boiled under my skin, my expression became angry, and my hands balled up into fists on my sides. I stopped in my tracks, as I stared at them.

"T-Taehyung?" I said as I heard sadness in my voice.

They both stopped kissing as they heard my voice. Taehyung turned around to face me, anger and confusion was written all over his face.

"Why are you here? Aren't your supposed to be with your sluts you cheater?" he replied with anger in his voice.

I got surprised with what he just asked me. I can't believe he accused me of being a cheater, he should see him self. 

"Really, Taehyung. Me? A cheater? I don't have any sluts. Not like you on the other hand. You always go out and say your hanging out with your so called 'friends' and you're actually with this fucking side chick of yours. I can't believe I trusted you. I hate you!" I shouted at him as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Taehyung glared at me as he approached me and slapped me across the cheek.

"I can't believe you just insulted Lisa! She isn't a slut you fucking asshole! Just because I go out and do what the hell I want doesn't mean you can go out to spy on me. If I were you, go ahead and shove your nose into another person's business before I beat the crap out of you," he threatened me as he kept on glaring at me angrily.

"I can't believe you just defended your side chick. I was just walking in the park and no, I was not spying on you. You know what, why the hell are we in a relationship when you're always  accusing me of things I don't even do," I responded while I held my cheek that was stinging in pain.

"You're right. Why are we in one anyways? You are always angry and disappointed in me. Have a nice life, we're done," he said as he punched me in the gut and pushed me against the wall.

He made his was to Lisa and got her by the wrist and left.

I sobbed as the tears soaked into my shirt. I held my stomach as it was in pain, I leaned against the wall and slid down. I sat down on the the ground and hugged my knees to my chest. Thunder starting to crackle in the dark sky, a while afterwards rain started to pour.

"W-Why does t-this happen t-to me?" I stuttered as I put my head between my knees and cried.

The rain started to rain harder. I got up and winced in pain. I made my way to the dorms while I  walked in the cold rain. I arrived at the dorm and headed inside as I went to my room. I plopped myself on the bed as my clothes got soaked due to the rain. It was dark, cold, and lonely. I curled myself into a ball in my bed as I started to cry again. The silence and the darkness was engulfing me. I closed my eyes and sobbed.

I woke up to sunlight shining through my window. I sat up in bed as a minor headache was making my head throb in a bit of pain.

"Ow," I groaned quietly.

I got up slowly and went to my bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face to help me wake up more better, I looked at myself in my reflection and saw that I had tear stains on my cheeks. Well damn, I guess I did cry in real life when I was having the bad dream. Hopefully, this dream doesn't come true or else all hell will break loose on Taehyung and I.

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