*UPDATED* Chapter 5: Trapped

Start from the beginning

The last thing she wants to do is get stuck out here with no light. A few blackouts over the course of her light has shown her just how frightening the dark is, and she'd rather not have the full, terrifying ocean version of the experience.

Serena crosses her arms over her chest with a thoughtful look. Well, if she was able to turn into something from myth, then surely there must be more, right? As crazy as an idea it is, it's her best one so far. More must exist somewhere and may hap they even have an entire civilization. So, surely there must be someone down here who can help her out of this mess. Like a sea witch or something?

Serena snorts. Obviously, she's watched way too many Disney movies and read far too many mermaid stories.

But if fairy tales are all she's got, then why not? It's better than sitting here like a confused goose waiting to be something's dinner.

The ocean is noticeably darker by the time she happens upon something of interest. From a distance it had looked like a giant bubble with a dark silhouette of something within. Upon getting closer Serena discovers that it's an expansive domed city filled with light and life.

Surrounding the giant dome is a sea garden of coral as far as the eye can see. Shades of reds, blues and greens fill her vision with all sorts of life emanating from them. From fish, to sea turtles, and playing dolphins.

However, she quickly realizes that everything has started taking shelter for the night, and upon realizing how dark it has gotten, she hurries to the entrance of the city.

The city, as one would expect, is surrounded by a large, beautiful piece of architecture made of gleaming silver marble. Along the wall are towers that survey each cardinal direction with massive golden gates between them.

But as she approaches, she becomes more aware of the ridiculous top she had fashioned out of seaweed she'd found. Would they even deign to allow her inside?

But she's not given much time to think about it as she notices the main gate has begun to close. So, she hurries along and just barely manages to dart within the small gap before it shut completely.

There's a surprised sound from her left as she sits and tries to catch her breath from the effort exerted in trying to reach the gates.

Looking over, she finds a pair of golden armored mermen. They've pointed their spears at her without her notice and her blood runs cold as she gazes upon the sharpened blades.

Her relief has all but dispersed as the guard on the right asks, "Who are you? Where did you come from and why are you dressed like that?"

If it weren't for the fact that she's underwater, Serena's fairly certain that she'd be sweating by now. But she quickly lapses into a thorough explanation that only deepens the confused expressions on the guards' faces.


Serena stares dumbly as she finds herself being ushered into the majestic palace that sat within the center of the city atop its own massive platform. The palace seems to be made of marble and pearl, unlike the stone buildings in the city. The marble is a soft turquoise color while the pearl shines an opalescent white amidst an array of golden embellishments in swirling designs.

The guards briskly pass through the palace gates and straight into the building itself. Serena slightly pales. The guards had seemed disturbed by her story and said something about bringing her before the king.

It can't be that serious can it? After all, she knows next to nothing about how to act in front of royalty. The closest she's ever been to royalty was her TV when the British royals appeared on some show she was watching.

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