• f o r t y •

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Dedication: basicallykyley for bring an amazing reader. I️ love you so much thank you for voting!

We made it to forty! ;) thanks for sticking it out this long. Don't forget to vote! Love you <3

Jensen             Henley

Today 9:02am

Where are you?
I looked for you in home room.

  Sorry lol
Mrs Johnson wanted to take me for a check up. She's still worried about me haha

Well I can understand where she's coming from.

  Yeah me too.
Don't worry I'll be there for second period.

Okay see you then.
delivered 9:15am

Today 4:30pm

Are you excited for our big date tonight ;)

  Wouldn't you like to know

I would actually.

  Well in that case...
I'm not telling ;)

Lol whatever.
What are you wearing?
Make sure it's something dressy 🙂

Haha okay.
What about this.



  I sent a picture lol

Sorry I didn't get it :(
Looks like I'll just have to wait

Oh the anticipation 😂

Okay get on with your pampering or whatever girls do before a date. Meanwhile I will be taking care of some very important business.

  And that would be...?

Well...double checking our dinner reservations and thisss

double checking our dinner reservations and thisss

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  What is up with you and that selfie face 😂

Hey when you find something that works, stick with it 😁

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