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Jensen                     Henley

Today 7:21pm

  Well I'm officially going to become a hermit and live under a bridge somewhere.

It wasn't THAT bad Hen.

  I hate you and all of your stupid friends.
  Kill me now.

Okay calm down.
First of all, I will not be involved in your murder. Have you seen the stories on the news lately? Yeah the person texting them last always gets blamed.

  Whatever I'll just get Daphne to help me out. Her dad has a sniper.

Okay now you're starting to scare me...

  You should be afraid.
  I hate being humiliated

Awe come on it was funny 😂

  Not from my end it wasn't

  It's called initiation 😜

  Initiation for what exactly?
The pack of doofuses and one dweeb?

  Who's rhe dweeb

  I think you can guess...

  Dang it
I meant the*


But for real are you mad at me? I was only having a bit of fun with the guys.

  Well picking me up and throwing me into the pool while the swim team was practicing isn't exactly my idea of fun.

  The guys seemed to enjoy it ;)
Sorry I had no idea your shirt would be see through 🙂🙃

My shirt was see through? 😳

Did I say see through? I meant sea blue. You know me and typos 😁

  Jensen I swear ...

At least the rest of the school didn't see? 😅

  It was the guys swim team.
All abs.
All stares.

  I mean...you didn't look that bad from where I was standing.

  Oh shut up.

  I'm serious!
My friend Tyler even said your hair looked attractive all wet and slicked back like that.

  Well you can tell Tyler to shove it

  Well I tried.

  Goodnight Jensen.

  But it's only like 8

  Goodnight Jensen.

  😞 goodnight



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