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It's been two months since Namjoon has brought me to 'our' house back in Seoul. I love it, though. The house and the atmosphere. He explained to me that I used to be a model so he took me to a few agencies and helped me work in several spreads just to make me happy. I don't like the thought of just staying at home and not working.
Namjoon spends all of his time working in his studio in the basement and has hassled me into carrying my phone everywhere in the house in case I need help walking. I refuse to use a wheelchair. I may be weak but I can still walk...well, limp...prop myself on every wall and surface I can find...I can do it!
He's been overly clingy and won't give me any space to breath because he thinks I can't make it on my own and even though it's sweet-he's driving me insane! After hours of convincing, Namjoon agreed to leave to take care of some business while I invite Jimin over.
"Hyung! It's been too long!" Jimin gushes as he jumps on my lap as I sit on the couch. I grimace in pain and shift around under his weight. He seems to catch himself and rolls off me, more subdued. "Sorry."
I smile. "It's fine."
He studies me for awhile. "How are you feeling? Any memories resurfacing?" He asks.
I frown and shake my head. "No. You can tell me about some if you want...maybe I'll recover some." I suggest and he smiles happily.
"Ok! Well...we met a couple years ago during a job. You mentored me and our friend Kookie. You've been best friends with Namjoon hyung since you were kids and started dating years ago..." he bites his lip, thinking. "You were going to get married..." he stops and takes in my reaction.
      "Why didn't we?" I ask, evenly.
      "A stupid misunderstanding and Namjoon hyung had to move to America for should get married now." He finally declares and I laugh.
       "Look at me, Jimin! There's no way I'm going to tie Namjoon down to a cripple like me now. I'm just waiting for him to get tired and leave me. He deserves better, don't you think? He has his whole life ahead of him. He's too young to be stuck with the likes of me." I say adamantly. "He just hasn't figured it out yet."
      "Stop it! You're the best thing in his life! Do you know how upset he'd be to hear you talking like this? Never put yourself down like this!" He glares and stands up to pace around me. "We need to all get married like tomorrow!" He yells in frustration.
      "You and Yoongi are getting married?" I ask in surprise. No one told me that...
       He sighs. "We were. We planned on a joint wedding but I refuse to tie the knot until you and Namjoon hyung does! Yoongi doesn't seem to care either way anyway." He announces.
"You shouldn't wait on us." I scold. "It May never happen. I know you think I'm worth it for him...but honestly he's still so young, Jimin. He will never have a life if he's always worrying about me and wondering if I'll be ok..." I pause, biting my lip. "I just..can't do that to him." I finish.
He looks at me with pity. "I think it would kill him more if you left him. You don't remember how he was when you broke up but I do. I really don't think he can survive with you. If he'd lost you..." he shakes his head in horror. "It would have destroyed him. Don't hurt him like this, ok."
I look away, ashamed. "I'll think about it."
He smiles. "Thanks, hyung."

Namjoon and Yoongi come back two hours later to find Jimin and I eating ice cream and watching a glee marathon. Singing at the top of our lungs completely out of tune. Yeah, we don't give a shit-we know we be queens!
"I think we should walk back out and pretend we never saw this astrocity." Yoongi mutters while Namjoon just smiles and I know it's because he's glad to see me happy.
Jimin blows them a kiss. "You know you want this, babe!" He runs and jumps in Yoongi's arms while I smile at Namjoon. I'd love to be able to jump into his arms like that but...I can't and never will be able to again. The thought takes away all the happiness I've head today. I'm stuck here on the couch...being a burden.
      Stop can't change what is...just stop! Namjoon walks over and scoops me up in his arms.
       "Ah! W-what are you doing?" I ask, clutching him tightly.
        "Holding my boyfriend. Is that ok?" He teases and I scoff.
        After Jimin and Yoongi leave, Namjoon takes us to bed and as he falls asleep, I ponder on everything Jimin has said...should I marry him and get it over with? Obviously I love him...even without my memories I can see how amazing he is. Or should I just let him go once and for all to move on with his life?

My lover(sequel to My Host; namjin)Where stories live. Discover now