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         "Kim Seokjin! Jinnie! Over here!" We turn our heads to see Jimin running right for us dragging a winded Yoongi behind him. I smirk in amusement as Yoongi kills over as soon as Jimin lets go and collapses gasping on the floor dramatically.
         "Sup, grandpa." I laugh, releasing Jin's hand to sit beside my elder friend. He glares up at me, panting.
         "Shut the fuck up, bitch. You don't know what it's like being in a relationship with a fucking orange headed, hot headed, mochi looking ball of endless energy! I c-can't handle this. I'm about to die." He groans, chest heaving.
          I look up at said 'energized mochi' to see him dragging my fiancé away. I frown and start to get up but Yoongi grabs my arm.
         "Don't leave me here! Carry me." He whines and I raise an eyebrow in defiance.
         "Hell no, gramps. Only one person I'll carry and your fat ass isn't that person." I scoff, standing. I keep my eye on the two conversing farther away from me and pout. I'm already being forgotten. I pout.
         Instead of chasing after them I sit back down beside Yoongi and sigh. I was trying to be nice by taking Jin shopping for new clothes and kitchen items he's been wanting but only thirty minutes into it he's already gone with someone else.
        I haven't got to spend as much time with him lately because of my new responsibilities and expansion of our studio business. Hoseok and I went ahead and added Yoongi to our partnership since Hobi wants to focus more on dance choreography. He even recruited Jimin as his assistant much to Jin's happiness.
          I've been debating on searching for a new, bigger house as well since ours is getting way too overcrowded. We had thought moving into a five bedroom home was big enough but now with 4 couples living together it's become impossible. I'm so tired of having to listen to my friend's sex lives as well.
         Yes, they all just decided to move into mine and Jin's home. Didn't even ask, the assholes-just threw their shit together and claimed bedrooms! I wanted to kick them out but-nooo-my silly big hearted fiancé just had to have a conscious and tell them they can stay! It's like he doesn't love me at all?!
          "You know what they're talking about, right?" Yoongi sighs as he plops down beside me finally off the floor.
           I shake my head.
           He scoffs. "Jimin wants to discuss wedding plans. Be glad they left us behind."
           I frown at the thought of having to hear the same conversations they've been having for months. I shudder just thinking about it. It's been two years since I proposed to Jin. I wanted us to be married way before now but life kept getting in the way and I didn't want to just throw together a cheap sloppy wedding. No, my soon to be husband deserves the best and that takes time.
        Luckily I've had someone to escape with since Yoongi proposed to Jimin a few months ago. Now we suffer together.
        "God, haven't they decided yet? It's like every day they change their minds..." I groan.
         "I'm pretty sure they do." He snorts. "Did you ever think we'd be like this? Domestic as shit while our soon to be husbands annoy us over stupid shit that they know we can care less about?" He scoffs. "We've become way too soft, man." He acknowledges and I can't help but agree.
        Granted, I don't miss the random hook up when I get to sleep next Jin every single night but I do miss the freedom of just leaving not knowing when I'll be back and chilling with Yoongi and Hoseok at the clubs. Hoseok lucked out with Taehyung because unlike our partners, Taehyung is still wild as fuck and constantly drags Hoseok out for that nightlife and random threesomes...not that I'd know about all that...nope, I'm as innocent as a fucking flower..I wonder idly if Jin would ever be into one? A threesome, that is.
          Besides being a host in the past he hasn't really wanted to venture out of that safe zone and explore. I'm ok with that if it's what he wants but I feel like...he's holding back from me or something. Which is ridiculous since we're about to be married. I mean, jeeze, everyone has kinks..he just won't tell me his..I'll find out one day though. Even if I have to use persuasive measures..
           "Does Jimin open up to you about know, kinks?" I ask hesitantly. His eyes widen in surprise at the unexpected question and frowns, pondering on it.
            "Yeah, I mean I'm sure he has some he hasn't told me about but mostly he has." He smiles at me knowingly. "I take it Jin won't open up to you about his? I mean, he seems pretty vanilla.."   
            "He seems that way but I don't know, I feel like he's holding back on me and it's killing me. He knows all my secrets why can't I know his!" I cross my arms, pouting.
            "It'll all come out eventually. Give it time, he can't hide it forever." He teases me as I roll my eyes. It's getting late and we need to go search for our men before they get kidnapped accepting candy or some shit...almost happened once! I mean, damn, even five year olds know not to follow a stranger to a dark van! Apparently Jimin and Kookie did not get the message..

My lover(sequel to My Host; namjin)Where stories live. Discover now